Dornai prevention and control measures

I. Strengthen the hand hygiene of medical personnel.

Medical personnel should strictly follow the hand hygiene standard in the process of diagnosis, treatment and care activities for patients. Medical personnel should implement hand hygiene before and after direct contact with patients, before and after the implementation of diagnostic and nursing operations on patients, after contact with patients' bodily fluids or secretions, after removing gloves, after contact with patients' used items, as well as from the patient's contaminated parts to clean parts of the implementation of the operation. Hands should be washed when there is obvious contamination on the hands; when there is no obvious contamination, hands can be disinfected using quick-drying hand sanitizer.

Two, strict implementation of isolation measures.

Medical institutions should be multi-drug-resistant bacteria infected patients and colonized patients to implement isolation measures, preferred single-room isolation, can also be similar multi-drug-resistant bacteria infected patients or colonized patients placed in the same room. Multidrug-resistant bacteria infected patients or colonized patients and tracheal intubation, deep vein indwelling catheter, open wounds or immunosuppressed patients can not be placed in the same room. Medical personnel should use gloves and, if necessary, isolation gowns when carrying out diagnostic and nursing operations that may come into contact with wounds, ulcerated surfaces, mucous membranes, blood and body fluids, drainage fluids, secretions, sputum, and feces of patients with multidrug-resistant bacterial infections or colonized patients. Gloves and isolation gowns must be removed in a timely manner after completing diagnostic and nursing operations on patients infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria or colonized patients.

Three, effectively comply with the aseptic technology operating procedures.

Medical personnel should strictly abide by the aseptic technical procedures, especially the implementation of central venous catheterization, tracheotomy, tracheal intubation, indwelling urinary catheter, placing drains and other operations should be avoided to avoid contamination and reduce the risk factors of infection.

Four, strengthen the hospital environmental health management.

Medical institutions should strengthen the diagnosis and treatment of environmental hygiene management, the admission of multi-drug-resistant bacteria infected patients and colonization of patients in the hospital room, should use special items for cleaning and disinfection, the patient often contact with the surface of the object, the surface of the equipment and facilities should be cleaned and wiped disinfection every day. When an outbreak of multi-drug resistant bacteria infection occurs or is suspected, the frequency of cleaning and disinfection should be increased.