1. Attention to biosafety Specific measures to be taken include two aspects: ① personal protection: gloves should be worn during sampling, and a pair of gloves should not be reused when contacting different patients to avoid cross-infection, and pay attention to whether the gloves have a small breakage; wear protective clothing as far as possible in the sampling; disinfecting the surface of the contaminated area and the spillage should be carried out in protective clothing and thick rubber gloves after the sampling. disinfection; such as suspected highly infectious pathogens, the need to use goggles, respiratory masks, etc.; in order to prevent accidents and ensure safety, sampling should be equipped with a first aid kit. ② appropriate treatment of contaminated waste: contaminated waste equipment and materials should be disinfected and then discarded; used needles properly collected and disinfected, and according to the provisions of the destruction or damage; used in the outbreak of epidemic outbreaks of protective clothing, equipment, materials, etc., the use of chemical disinfectants disinfected and then cleaned, in special circumstances, can also be built on the site of the incinerator burned simple.
2. Note that the sampling of representative or targeted sample collection for the purpose of health quality assessment, factors affecting sampling representativeness, including the amount of sampling, sampling site, sampling time, sampling randomness and uniformity, as well as sampling by lot number. Sample collection for the purpose of identifying the causes of public **** health emergencies or disease outbreaks and epidemics, does not require sample representativeness, but emphasizes the targeting, as far as possible, the collection of pathogenic microorganisms with the highest content of the site and enough samples for testing.
3. Pay attention to the sampling time and type of isolation and culture of bacteria for the purpose, should try to collect specimens in the acute morbidity and the use of antibiotics before the use of antibiotics, if the use of antibiotics, sampling and isolation and culture of the best to add the appropriate neutralizing agent (neutralization of the residual inhibition of bacteriological substances in the samples) or other treatments. Specimens for virus isolation and viral antigen detection should be sampled at the beginning of the disease and in the acute phase, preferably within 1~2 days of the onset of the disease.
4. Pay attention to avoid sampling to introduce new contamination or microbial killing factors All sampling utensils, containers need to be strictly sterilized, and aseptic operation sampling. For microbial samples, should be avoided when sampling the microbial killing effect and the introduction of new bacteriostatic substances, such as containers whether there is a disinfectant residue, or the use of freshly cauterized and not cooled sampling tools.
5. Pay attention to the detailed marking of the sample for health quality assessment of the sample, should be labeled with the sample name, number, sampling time, sampling volume, sampler, test items.