What are PVC plastic characteristics properties and uses?

PVC material that is polyvinyl chloride, it is one of the world's largest production of plastic products, cheap, widely used, polyvinyl chloride resin is white or light yellow powder. According to different uses can be added to different additives, polyvinyl chloride plastic can show different physical properties and mechanical properties. In the polyvinyl chloride resin to add the appropriate amount of plasticizer, can be made into a variety of hard, soft and transparent products.

PVC can be divided into soft PVC and hard PVC, of which hard PVC accounts for about 2/3 of the market, and soft PVC accounts for 1/3. soft PVC is generally used for floors, ceilings, and the surface layer of leather, but its use is limited by the fact that soft PVC contains softeners (which is also the difference between soft and hard PVC), and it tends to become brittle and is not easy to store. Hard PVC does not contain softener, so it is flexible, easy to mold, not easy to brittle, non-toxic and non-polluting, long preservation time, so it has a great value of the development and application of PVC is essentially a kind of vacuum blister film, used for all kinds of panels of the surface layer of the packaging, so it is also known as the decorative film, attached to the adhesive film, applied to the building materials, packaging, pharmaceuticals, and many other industries. Among them, the building materials industry accounts for the largest proportion of 60%, followed by the packaging industry, and a number of other small-scale application of the industry.

Because of its high chemical stability, it can be used to make anti-corrosion pipes, fittings, oil pipelines, centrifugal pumps and blowers. The hardboards of PVC are widely used in the chemical industry to make lining of various storage tanks, corrugated boards for buildings, door and window structures, wall decorations and other building materials. Due to the excellent electrical insulation properties, it can be used in the electrical and electronic industries for the manufacture of plugs, sockets, switches and cables. In daily life, PVC is used in the manufacture of sandals, raincoats, toys and artificial leather!

Polyvinyl chloride is synthesized from vinyl chloride by acetylene gas and hydrogen chloride, and then polymerized. It has high mechanical strength and good corrosion resistance. Can be used to make chemical, textile and other industrial waste gas exhaust detoxification tower, gas and liquid transportation pipe, but also instead of other corrosion-resistant materials manufacturing tanks, centrifugal pumps, ventilators and joints. When the amount of plasticizer added up to 30% to 40%, it will be made of soft polyvinyl chloride, its high elongation, soft products, and has good corrosion resistance and electrical insulation, often made of film, used for industrial packaging, agricultural seedling and daily raincoats, tablecloths, etc., but also can be used for the production of acid and alkali resistant hoses, cable sheaths, insulation, and so on.