Electromagnetic radiation test of new energy vehicles

General electric vehicles have passed the EMC (literally translated as "electromagnetic compatibility") test, and the radiation value is controlled below the standard, which is in line with the national standard and has no harm to the body;

1, the influence of radiation on human body mainly includes two parts. The first part is that when the frequency is lower than 100 Hz, it mainly affects the human body through induced electric field and induced magnetic field; The second part is that when the frequency is high, it will have a thermal effect on the human body, such as infrared rays, which can lead to the thermal effect of fever on the body shape;

2. As for the induced electric field and magnetic field, such as induced current, like high voltage current, it will affect the electrical signal of human body. The World Health Organization (WHO) pointed out that electromagnetic sources with different frequencies have different effects on the human body, and nuclear radiation and non-ionizing radiation cannot be confused;

3. The impact on organisms depends on the wavelength (frequency) and its energy, and only the biological effects beyond the human compensation mechanism will have harmful effects on health;

4. The concept of electromagnetic radiation is very broad, ranging from radio to nuclear radiation and even visible light. The influence of electromagnetic environment exposure on organisms depends on the wavelength (frequency) and energy of electromagnetic sources, and only biological effects beyond human compensation mechanism will have harmful effects on health;

In daily life, it is difficult for ordinary people to get in touch with "nuclear radiation". As for "medical radiation", the operation is completed under a specific process, and the impact is not intense. As for the "radiation" of mobile phones, microwave ovens and hair dryers, it does not belong to the category of "ionizing radiation", but belongs to "electromagnetic radiation" or "non-ionizing radiation", which is not harmful to people's health.

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