May I ask you have attached lift scaffolding program?

One, project overview

The project is located in the western suburbs of a company, is a five-story frame office building, according to the actual situation on the site, the preparation of the total height of 25 meters of external scaffolding, mesh net enclosure.

Second, the erection of materials

1, the erection of scaffolding all ф48mm, wall thickness of 3.5mm steel pipe, cantilevered steel using 16 # I-beam, the quality of which is in line with the provisions of the current national standards.

2, the size of the scaffolding steel pipe, lateral horizontal rod maximum length of 2.2 m, the maximum length of other poles 6.5 m, the maximum mass of each steel pipe is not less than 25KG.

3, the surface of the steel pipe is straight and smooth, without cracks, scars, delamination, dislocation, hard bends, burr, indentation and deep scratches.

4, the steel pipe is strictly prohibited to punch holes in the steel pipe, steel pipe in the use of rust-proof paint before.

5, the fastener material must comply with the "steel pipe scaffolding fasteners" (GB15831).

① The new fasteners have the production license, the test report of the statutory testing unit and the product quality certificate. Doubt about the quality of fasteners, according to the current national regulations and standards "steel pipe scaffolding fasteners" (GB15831) provisions of sampling and testing. Prohibit the use of substandard products.

② old fasteners before use, quality inspection, cracks, deformation is strictly prohibited, the emergence of slippery screw tether replacement process.

③ New and old fasteners are rust-proof.

6, scaffolding piece with moso bamboo scaffolding piece, no mold, corrosion.

7, mesh safety net must have construction authority certification of the product.

Third, foundation and base

1, scaffolding foundation and base construction, according to the scaffolding erection height, the original soil or backfill must be tamped beforehand, (foundation can withstand the pressure of 0.8kg/c ㎡) and then poured with C20 concrete thickness of more than 10cm hardening, 2m planes along the periphery of the base of the pole position, the foundation and can withstand the structural load of the upper bath.

2, scaffolding bottom elevation is higher than the natural ground 50mm

3, the outside of the foundation of the pole to set the cross-section 20cm × 20cm drainage ditch.

Fourth, scaffolding design size

1, scaffolding bottom step distance is 2m, and the rest of each step is 1.8m.

2, vertical distance of the vertical pole is 1.5m, and the horizontal distance is 1.2m.

3, kicking bar, guard bar from the second step set up respectively 0.3m and 2m at the level ****, the top row of guardrail no less than two, the height of 0.9m, 1.3m respectively. m, 1.3m.

4, scissor braces set for the spacing of 9m (6 spans) a row of scissor braces.

5, the wall bars are set up for each vertical layer, horizontally for four spans.