On the characteristics of pure water at room temperature and pressure which of the following descriptions is wrong a colorless two for the three transparent four yes

Choose D.

A. Colorless and transparent liquids are not necessarily water in many cases.

B, no color and smell of the liquid is also a lot of not necessarily water, so the error.

C, colorless liquids containing water molecules are colorless solutions, not necessarily pure water, so it is wrong.

D, all three of these statements are incorrect, is correct.


Pure water refers to H?O without impurities, referred to as purified or pure water, is pure, clean, does not contain impurities or bacteria in the water, such as organic pollutants, inorganic salts, any additives and various types of impurities, is in line with the hygienic standards of domestic drinking water as raw water.

But not suitable for long-term drinking. It is made by electrodialyzer method, ion exchanger method, reverse osmosis method, distillation method and other appropriate processing methods, sealed in containers, and does not contain any additives, colorless and transparent, and can be directly consumed.