Suspension of the height of the signage is generally appropriate to how high from the ground height

The height of the hanging sign is generally 1.5~1.8m from the ground.

First of all, this height range is more in line with the range of normal people's line of sight, signage can not be too low, affecting the traffic below, but too high, normal people's line of sight is not as good as, affecting the publicity effect.

Signage function:

1, signage has the role of marking, warning, signage is mainly through the visual to show its role. For example: the text conveys, mark is with symbolic, direction, suggestive and so on function. Text style can show the character, background, meaning. The form and the mark together show the symbolic and constructive meaning.

2, signage is a kind of information communication media, it has the function of advertising, warning.

Expanded Information:

The National Grid's safety signage is divided into three main categories

1, Prohibition category: two kinds of "Prohibition of closing the gate, manned work" and "Prohibition of closing the gate, line manned work". Signage is rectangular, size 200mm × 250mm and 80mm × 50mm two kinds. The big one hangs on the operation handle of the disconnecting switch, and the small one hangs on the operation handle of the circuit breaker of the control panel, and the background of the signboard is in white, and the text is in red.

2, allow class: two kinds of "work here" and "from up and down" in front of the fence hanging in the workplace import and export, the latter hanging in the staff allowed to go up and down the ladder, the size of 250mm × 250mm, painted on the green background a 210mm white circle, inside the text written in black font. Inside, the text is written in black font.

3, warning category: two kinds of "stop, high voltage danger! and "no climbing, high voltage danger!" The former hung in the workplace around the aisle of the prohibited passage, the latter hung in the workplace around the ladder with electric equipment, size 250mm × 200mm, white background, red side, text in black.