Why are Omron HEA214 test strips out of stock? The price has gone up so high and you still can't get it? I'm not sure if you're a good person, but I'm a good person.

I went to the medical equipment store asked, because the original Omron test strips are looking for others OEM, and now they do not do this manufacturer, the production of their own blood glucose meter, so unless the Omron own production or to find OEM, but at least at present there is no, and so on for how long we do not know, may be later there is no, and that is to go to the point of medical care can be recycled to the store machine, the store can help you to change other and his same machine, but test strips to buy, so we must not now and He is the same machine, but the test paper to buy their own, so we must not now buy on the bag, do not look at him to send a box or 2 boxes of test paper, because used up may be useless in the future~~