What is pure water? What is ultrapure water? What is the difference between the two? Laboratory wants to buy a water purifier, which brand to choose?

The removal of conductive pollutants in water to a specific resistivity value of 18.2 MΩ.cm (25 ℃), it is called "ultra-pure water". It is important to note that the resistivity value only represents the amount of electrolytes in the water, and does not indicate the absence of other pollutants. In other words, water called "ultrapure water" may still contain uncertain amounts of contaminants such as organics, microparticles, microorganisms, etc., or have different TOC values. Therefore, it is important to use both the "resistivity value" and the "TOC value" to evaluate water quality.

Regardless of any purification method used to remove contaminants, water that does not reach 18.2 MΩ.cm is called "pure water".

The water purifier is the best from Millipore, and there is a gradient in price according to the specifications, so you can consider it
