Three powerhouses join forces to fight cancer, opening up a new era of cancer medicine treatment

Cancer treatment is about to reach a new milestone! The Everlasting Health Foundation (EHF), NTU Hospital and Varian, a radiation therapy equipment company, ****signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for tripartite cooperation among industry, academia, and research, to introduce high-tech radiation therapy product research and development technologies to drive Taiwan's life science industry. The memorandum of understanding signed by the Foundation, NTU Hospital and Varian includes the procurement of equipment and the development of new state-of-the-art therapeutic equipment; the Foundation will also donate the first set of Varian's proton therapy equipment to NTU's Cancer Center to conduct clinical radiation therapy and related research. According to the foundation, the future cooperation with Varian will include the provision of clinical and academic research on radiation therapy in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as training, ****together with the research and development of next-generation photon and proton therapy equipment, and expanding the development of peripheral equipment for radiation therapy, and so on. In terms of photon technology***similar research and development, new state-of-the-art equipment will be created. The Eternal Health Foundation pointed out that the NTU Cancer Medical Center Hospital is expected to join the cancer clinical services in 2018, with the completion of the Eternal Health Medical Engineering Pavilion, and combined with the international top medical equipment manufacturers Varian, radiation therapy high-tech product development technology introduced into Taiwan, for the production of the University of research tripartite efforts to fight cancer, can drive the life sciences industry in Taiwan, so that the cancer medical treatment can have a better quality of service. Subscribe to the Healthy Love LOHAS audio-visual channel to read health knowledge more easily Join in and focus on your health every day! LINE@ ID:@ : /cancer/article/15023/three-strength joint efforts to fight cancer open up a new era of cancer medical treatment Keywords: Cancer, YLF, NTUH, Varian, Plasmonic, Photon