The method of generating electricity from garbage is usually by

The method of generating electricity from garbage is usually through the heat generated by burning garbage.

Generating electricity from garbage is a method of generating electricity by burning municipal solid waste in a special incinerator boiler and then generating electricity through a steam turbine generator set. Garbage power generation is divided into two categories: garbage incineration power generation and landfill gas power generation. Garbage power generation collects all kinds of garbage and then categorizes them.

China's waste incineration power generation technology is developing rapidly

At the beginning of the 21st century, more than 1,000 waste incineration power stations have been built around the world, and compared with many developed countries, China's waste-to-energy technology started relatively late.

But in recent years, with China's comprehensive national strength and national policy support, China's waste incineration power generation technology is developing rapidly. In particular, China's independent research and development of waste incinerator technology, has been developed from a fixed grate waste incinerator into a circulating fluidized bed boiler.