Meaning of 100 in AI100 at Stanford University

100 means 100 years, and AI100 is Artificial Intelligence Centennial Research.

In 2014, Stanford University launched the "AI100" program, or "Artificial Intelligence Centennial Research". The program brings together leading researchers from a variety of fields to study and predict how AI will evolve and its impact on humanity and society.

Artificial Intelligence + Healthcare has long been recognized as an emerging field with great potential for growth. In the coming years, AI-based applications are expected to improve the health and quality of life of millions of people and improve the way healthcare workers and patients communicate with each other.


As mobile computing evolves, platforms and apps related to "biometrics" will continue to emerge. Currently, there are thousands of mobile apps that can provide information, correct behavior, or identify "look-alike" patients. These apps, coupled with specialized motion tracking devices like Fitbit and connectivity between home environments and health monitoring devices, will bring innovation to the healthcare space.

By combining social and medical data, some apps can analyze, learn, and make predictions from the data they capture. While their predictions are relatively simple, this fusion of data and functionality could give rise to innovative products. A certain exercise app, for example, will not only suggest a workout program, but will also suggest the best time to work out and provide guidance to stick to your workout plan.

Reference for the above: Baidu Wikipedia-Stanford University