The product's technical manual is written from the product's technical point of view of the document, generally for the use of the product's maintenance personnel, the content of the product's technical parameters, installation, commissioning, maintenance and so on.
Generally the equipment used by enterprises need to have this kind of manual.
Product manuals are relative detailed expressions of a product in a stylized manner, so that people recognize and understand a product. Its basic features are authenticity, science, organization, popularity and practicality.
The structure of the product manual is usually composed of three parts: title, body and paragraph. The body is the theme of the product specification, the core part.
Technical manuals and product instructions can be more detailed description of the product.
Based on the specific type of problem, step-by-step disassembly / cause principle analysis / content expansion.
The specific steps are as follows:/ The cause of this situation is mainly ......