Fan airflow is defined as the product of the air velocity V and the cross-sectional area F of the duct. Large fans can use anemometers to accurately measure the wind speed, so the wind volume calculation is very simple, directly with the formula Q = VF, you can calculate the wind volume.
Determination of the number of fans According to the number of air changes calculated by the number of fans. Calculation formula: N = V × n / Q where: N - the number of fans (units); V - site volume (m3); n - the number of air changes (times / hour); Q - the selected fan model of a single air volume (m3 / h). The selection of fan model should be based on the actual situation of the plant, try to select the fan model that matches the size of the original window, and try to maintain a certain distance between the fan and the wet curtain (as far as possible, respectively, mounted on both sides of the mountain wall of the plant), to achieve good ventilation and air exchange effect. The exhaust side is not close to nearby buildings as much as possible to prevent affecting nearby households. If the air brought out from the indoor contains pollution of the environment, you can install a water spray device in the wind mouth, sucking the nearby pollutants to focus on recycling, do not pollute the environment
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