GB 9706.1 second part of the main talk about what

Hello, you are asking GB9706.1-2007 Medical Electrical Equipment Part 1: General Requirements for Safety The second part of this standard "Terms and Definitions"?

Or are you asking about the second part of the GB 9706 series of standards, GB 9706.2-1991, the safety requirements for hemodialysis devices for medical electrical equipment? This standard is now obsolete, replaced by a new standard: GB 9706.2-2003?Medical electrical equipment Part 2-16: Safety requirements specific to hemodialysis, hemodialysis filtration and hemofiltration equipment.

This special standard specifies the minimum safety requirements for hemodialysis, hemodialysis filtration and hemofiltration equipment for single person. These devices are intended for use by medical personnel or for use under expert supervision and include patient-operated hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration and hemofiltration equipment.

Posted the second part for you.