? In the early morning of June 13, in the UEFA Europa League Group B Denmark 0-1 defeated Finland in a group game, Denmark core Eriksen in the 42nd minute of the game suddenly fell to the ground, lost consciousness, and then the doctor quickly into the field for his treatment, UEFA immediately announced the suspension of the game.? The moment Eriksen collapsed, life and death far outweighed any value in the universe. In the match between Denmark and Finland, everyone became teammates who did their best to save Eriksen's life and help him beat death. The whole Danish team escorted Eriksen out of the game. With timely and effective resuscitation, Eriksson regained consciousness and was taken to the hospital before the match resumed under the consultation of both coaches and players. As Finland's captain Tim Sparv lamented, "When something like this happens, soccer is so insignificant and life is precious." Eriksen is absolutely central to Denmark.
? 14 minutes of life and death, the most perfect "save" in the European Cup. From the Finnish and Danish match after the UEFA awarded the best player of the match to Eriksen can be seen, the result of the game is not so important. In the 14 minutes after Eriksson fell to the ground, the scene of all the medical staff and the players, together to complete this European Cup in the most perfect save - it can be said that this is a belongs to the Eriksson and all the scene players **** with the victory. This European Cup and even the world soccer world, will never forget this 14 minutes of "life and death":
? In the 42nd minute of the game, Eriksen suddenly fell to the ground, his side of the Meyler and Kjaer first time to check the situation.
According to UEFA officials, Kjaer was the first to see if Eriksen's tongue was blocking his breathing and looked at the rest of his body.
? Eight seconds later, the team doctor arrived on the scene;
14 seconds later, Schmeichel organized the players to leave space for the team doctor;
? 37 seconds, paramedics with first aid equipment rush onto the field;
? 52 seconds, AED equipment arrives;
1:36, medics begin CPR and the rescue continues until 8:08, when a stretcher for the ambulance arrives.
? At that time, the broadcast camera on the scene captured a number of fans have broken down in tears, and the Danish players on the field also had difficulty controlling their emotions, many covered their faces, but they tried their best to remain calm and prayed for Eriksen.
? In the 10th minute, Eriksen's family appeared on the scene and Schmeichel and Kjaer went to comfort them;
? At the 12 minute 44 second mark, medical staff rounded up the scene;
? Eriksen is carried off the field on a stretcher, escorted by medical staff and teammates, at 13 minutes, 12 seconds;
? 13 minutes and 36 seconds, Danish players and medical staff, tightly surrounded Eriksen's stretcher, Eriksen has been able to use a respirator to breathe on their own, and the Finnish fans also applauded them from the stands, after leaving the stadium, Eriksen from the ambulance to the hospital at the same time.
? Eventually, Eriksson regained consciousness. It was this crucial 14 minutes that saved Eriksson's life. And when the announcer announced "Attention, Eriksen is now awake, stable condition, the follow-up news will be reported, thank you for your understanding", the scene erupted into the stadium of cheers.
At that moment, there were no Finnish or Danish fans in the stands, everyone was a fan of Eriksson, the medical team and the players, because everyone **** the same witnessed a confrontation between soccer and death.
? And according to European media reports, Eriksen has reported peace in the Danish national team's social group as well as Inter Milan's group chat, "the situation is under control." At this time the whole world of soccer, but also for Eriksen prayers - from his playing Inter Milan to the German team, and then all the big names of the big clubs ...... International Olympic Committee President Bach also heart Eriksen's safety and security.
The world of soccer, never again can the tragedy of Vivian Foe be repeated. And this time it has shown us the love and hope that is more important than the game!