For Pingdingshan vehicle scrapping subsidy claim materials and process content, recently many people are very confused, has been consulting the editorial, today the Pacific Automotive Network editorial for the issue, combing the following content, I hope to help you answer questions and solve problems.
Application materials:
1, "2014 old car scrapping update subsidy funds application form (four copies), download site:
/(old car scrapping update information management system "document download" column);
2, "end-of-life car recycling certificate (" triple") original;
2, "end-of-life car recycling certificate (" triple") original;
2, "end-of-life car recycling certificate (" triple") original. Triple) original;
3, end-of-life vehicles, a copy of the motor vehicle license or a copy of the motor vehicle registration certificate;
4, update the original vehicle invoice and a copy (the original check returned, copies retained);
5, "motor vehicle cancellation certificate original and a copy (the original check returned, a copy of the retention);
6, a valid identity certificate Original and copy (the original returned for inspection, copies retained);
7, with the owner of the same name of the individual Construction Bank current savings account passbook (savings card) or a copy of the unit account opening certificate (the car belongs to an individual
, to provide personal passbook of the current savings account or a copy of the card, the car belongs to a unit, to provide a copy of the account opening certificate of the unit).
Application process:
1, the districts (counties) Business Council is responsible for receiving the application materials submitted by the owner, through the "old car scrapping and renewal information management system" entry
, audit vehicle information, will be eligible to apply for materials stamped with an official seal and sent to the district (county) Finance Bureau.
2, the districts (counties) Finance Bureau of the vehicle information after the audit is correct, stamped with the official seal, sent to the district (county) Commerce Commission.
3, the districts (counties) Business Committee will "2014 old car scrapping and renewal subsidy application form (in duplicate) reported to the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Municipal Commission of Commerce
Business Committee summarized and sent to the Municipal Finance Bureau.
4, the Municipal Finance Bureau review, in accordance with the Treasury direct payment procedures to the owners of old motor vehicles not enjoying the city's subsidies for the elimination and renewal of funds
disbursement procedures.
The above content from the Pacific Automotive Network editorial release, for reference, I hope to help you, such as the need for more legal answers, you can consult online Pacific Automotive Network.
Millions of car purchase subsidies