One of the things that both the doctor and the patient can understand is the indications, which in layman's terms means whether or not dental implants should be done. And what is the need to do dental implants, please be sure to distinguish, this is like driving out, driving what car is not important, choose the right road is important to the same reason.
We suggest that dental implants in the periodontal situation after the stabilization of bone filling, only choose the free end of the missing teeth, the whole mouth of the toothless people can not adapt to a large area of movable denture, these two cases choose dental implants. The rest of the recommended choice of porcelain crown bridge, which is because the porcelain bridge belongs to the natural biological force support, mature technology, easy to deal with problems, on the other hand, dental implants change the facial blood vessels and lymphatic vessels to the direction and pressure, and artificial joints are different from the change in the facial blood flow will affect the cranial cavity blood flow and the twelve to the cerebral nerve transmission of transmitters, to a greater or lesser extent.
The advantage of Western medicine lies in the fact that there are strict quantitative criteria to be found, her boundaries are well documented, so as long as the choice of good indications, strict standard operating procedures are good. As long as the strict indications of the doctor, that is, the doctor for your consideration, there is no need for you to worry about the price.