reaches 999 road Venuses edifice (Golden Star Mansion) 33 layer of addressee: James
Brown & Sons, is handled address by articles of everyday use headquarter (Daily
Articels DEpt): # 304- 310 Jalan Street , Toronto , Canada date: Content on June 30 ,
2000: Thank your incoming letter on June 15 sample. The secret agent informs , our
side customer finally very satisfied, our
side customer finally very satisfied. The secret agent informs , our
side customer finally very satisfied, but hesitates for still a little bit now to
your sample probation. By that the goods assumes careful comparison with the same
your sample probation. By that the goods assumes careful comparison with the same
kind,we discover your quoted price a little bit highly. Current shampoo (Shampoo)
marketplace high-quality Current shampoo (Shampoo)
marketplace high-quality goods such as being full of the all kinds of brand , being
resembling Rejoice , Pond's is very easy to purchase. and these products get all
already my field marketplace's ratings. And these products get all
already my field marketplace's ratification. As far as shampoo be concerned, many
consumers is unwilling to accept a new product. As far as shampoo is concerned many
consumers is unwilling to accept a new product. You put in a product being the new
brand , that maximal selling picks up a right person is its upholding the
constitution (hair care) function; Need to think that the marketplace opens up sale
in my field on mass although already reaching customer call for, must want to have
price advantage Because of this, our side customer suggests that reducing by 10% with plain
quoted price. Consider and assume in time reply please.
Thanks for the quote, men's shirts and samples sent to the UN on May 6th.
We have contacted a number of customers in this regard and many are concerned about the "Swan" brand T-shirts. We would like to ask you to let us provide you with the best C & F Rangoon based 5000 men's shirts (No.G-3). We believe that we may get some orders from you.
However, we would like to point out that unless your offer is attractive to buyers, it will be difficult to sell your shirts successfully. We should thank you for the pro forma invoice.
Thanks for this