Enterprise income tax rate 2023 latest tax rate table

April 1, 2021 Income Tax Preferential Tax Policies

From April 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022, small-scale taxpayers with monthly sales of less than 150,000 yuan (including principal) and quarterly sales of up to 450,000 yuan are exempted from value-added tax (VAT), and more than 1 percent of the full amount of VAT. Small-scale VAT was reduced from 3% to 1%, and the preferential policy will be implemented until the end of the year. Starting from April 1, small-scale taxpayers applying the 3% levy rate and the advance levy rate will have their levy reduced by 1%. From April 1, 2021, qualified taxpayers in the advanced manufacturing industry may apply to the competent tax authorities for refund of incremental low tax from May 2021 and thereafter. From January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023, VAT will be levied first and refunded later on qualified publications at the publication stage. From January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023, the border tea production enterprises selling border tea and distribution enterprises selling border tea VAT exemption.

II. Enterprise income tax

1. Small and micro-profit enterprises with an annual taxable amount of not more than 1 million, a reduced levy is included in the taxable amount, at a rate of 20% of the enterprise income tax.

2. Individual business income taxable amount of up to 1 million yuan per year, under the premise of the current preferential policies, a 50% reduction in personal income tax.

4. Financial support policy. Companies set up in the park registered limited company, can be a new company, branch, branch or moving company. They only need to pay taxes in the park with favorable tax policies to enjoy economic stimulus and support policies. The specific policy is to provide high VAT and CIT incentives for companies entering the park. VAT and CIT are refunded at 60-90% of the local retention rate, with 50% of the VAT retained locally. The local retention rate for CIT is 40%, depending on the specific tax status of the company. The more a company pays, the higher the rebate rate."

Enterprise income tax rate policy for 2022-2023

1. For small and micro enterprises, the tax incentives for 2022 are very favorable. If the annual taxable amount is less than 1 million yuan, the enterprise income tax will be paid at the tax rate. Annual taxable amount of 1 million yuan to 3 million yuan, pay enterprise income tax at a rate of 10%;

year, it is clear that the annual one-time bonuses are still being taxed separately each month, and the tax incentives for non-member salary income will continue until the end of 2023. This can reduce the pressure of personal tax for the working class;

The latest tax incentives for value-added tax in the year are mainly in two aspects:

(a) continue to implement the policy of additional deductions for productive industries and living services;

Article 3 of the Law on the Administration of Taxation and Collection

Collection of Taxes. Cessation of Taxation and Tax Reduction. Tax Exemption. Tax refund. Replacement of taxes, according to law; the State Council authorized by law, in accordance with the provisions of the administrative regulations formulated by the State Council.

Any organ. People or units shall not violate the law. Administrative regulations, private tax. Stop tax and tax reduction. Tax exemption. Tax refund. Equivalent tax laws and regulations and other supplementary taxes. Decide the administrative system conflict.

Are there still favorable taxes in 2022?

There are still some.1 Corporate income tax. For small and micro-profit enterprises, the scope of tax incentives is expected to expand again in 2022! According to the regulations, by the end of 2022, the annual taxable amount of small and medium-sized enterprises is less than 1 million yuan, according to the tax rate of the enterprise income tax. Meanwhile, as of the end of 2021, small and micro-profit enterprises with annual taxable amount of 1 million yuan to 3 million yuan will pay enterprise income tax at a rate of 10%.2 Value-added tax (VAT). First, for small-scale taxpayers, as of December 31, 2022, monthly sales of not more than 150,000 yuan, exempt from VAT; continue to implement small-scale taxpayers, VAT from 3% reduced by 1%.3 Individual income tax. The latest news is that the preferential policy for year-end bonuses will continue until the end of 2023, and annual lump-sum bonuses will be excluded from the monthly salary income. The implementation of the policy of independent monthly tax records will continue until the end of 2023. For the working class, the continuity of tax incentives is very favorable, which can reduce the pressure of personal tax burden.

Based on

Article 3 of the Tax Collection and Administration Law, tax collection, tax suspension, tax reduction, tax exemption, tax rebate, tax reimbursement, in accordance with the provisions of the law; the State Council is authorized by law, in accordance with the provisions of the administrative regulations formulated by the State Council. No organ, person or unit shall, in violation of the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, make unauthorized decisions on tax collection, tax suspension, tax reduction, tax exemption, tax refund, tax replacement, etc., which are in conflict with the tax laws and administrative regulations. Article 4 of the Law on Administration of Tax Collection stipulates that units and individuals with tax obligations are taxpayers. Laws and administrative regulations provide that units and individuals with the responsibility to collect and pay taxes on behalf of taxpayers are withholding agents. Taxpayers, withholding agents must pay taxes in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, collection and payment of taxes on behalf of the tax. Article 5 of the Tax Collection and Administration Law states that the competent tax authorities of the State Council shall be in charge of national tax collection and administration. The State Administration of Taxation and local tax bureaus shall carry out collection and management in accordance with the scope of tax collection and management prescribed by the State Council. Local people's governments at all levels shall strengthen their leadership or coordination of tax collection and management in their administrative areas, support the tax authorities in the performance of their duties in accordance with the law, calculate taxes in accordance with the legal tax rate, and collect taxes in accordance with the law. All relevant departments and units shall support and assist the tax authorities in performing their duties in accordance with the law. No unit or individual shall obstruct the tax authorities to perform their duties in accordance with the law.

Article 3 of the Law on Administration of Tax Collection, tax collection, tax suspension, tax reduction, tax exemption, tax rebate, tax reimbursement, in accordance with the provisions of the law; the State Council is authorized by law, in accordance with the provisions of the administrative regulations formulated by the State Council.

Article 4 of the Law on Administration of Tax Collection stipulates that taxpayers are taxpaying units and individuals with tax obligations.

Article 5 of the Law on Administration of Tax Collection states that the competent tax authorities of the State Council shall be in charge of the administration of national tax collection.

How to deduct newly purchased equipment when calculating taxable income?

1. According to the document "Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Enterprise Income Tax Policies Relating to the Deduction of Equipment and Devices" (Cai Shui) [2018] No. 54) and "Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Extension of the Period of Implementation of Certain Preferential Tax Policies" (Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation No. 6 of 2021), the Company purchased new equipment during the period of January 1, 2018, to 2023 If the unit value of the new machinery and apparatus purchased during the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2023 does not exceed RMB 5 million, the Company is allowed to deduct the cost of the current period at one time in calculating taxable income and depreciation is no longer calculated on an annual basis; if the value of the unit exceeds RMB 5 million, the Company shall be allowed to deduct the cost of the current period at one time in calculating taxable income and depreciation will no longer be calculated on an annual basis, in accordance with the "Regulations for Implementation of the Income Tax Law", the "Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Improvement of Accelerated Depreciation of Fixed Assets for Enterprise Income Tax Purposes" (Caixian [2014 75) Notice of the Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation on Further Improving the Policy of Accelerated Depreciation of Solid Assets for Enterprise Income Tax (Cai Shui) [2015] No. 106) and other relevant provisions.

The equipment and apparatus referred to in the above documents refer to solid assets other than houses and buildings.

Second, according to "on the small and medium-sized enterprises equipment equipment pre-tax deduction of income tax policy announcement" (Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation Announcement No. 12 of 2022): "1, January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, small and medium-sized enterprises newly purchased equipment, equipment unit value of more than 5 million yuan, according to the unit value of a certain proportion of the voluntary The enterprise income tax deduction will be chosen. The Implementing Regulations of the Income Tax Law stipulate that the minimum depreciation period is 3 years, and 100% of the unit value can be deducted at once; the minimum depreciation period is 4 years, 5 years and 10 years. 50% of the unit value can be deducted at once, and the remaining 50% can be deducted in the remaining years in accordance with the provisions.

3, according to the "Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation, Ministry of Science and Technology on the increase of scientific and technological innovation deduction support announcement" (Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation, Ministry of Science and Technology Announcement No. 28 of 2022): from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, high-tech enterprises, newly purchased equipment, equipment is allowed to calculate the full amount of taxable income in a one-time deduction, and 100% deduction is allowed before tax.