How to maintain the United States air water heater to extend the service life

Air water heater principle is actually the same as the principle of air conditioning heating, strictly speaking should be called a heat pump water heater, just the indoor machine into a water tank, on the extension of the service life, can be from the use of the heat pump maintenance, the use of the water tank maintenance of the two aspects to talk about:

1: the heat pump part:1) reduce the number of times the machine is started and the time to avoid multiple starts and stops, 2) avoid starting the machine in extremely hot or cold weather, extreme weather start the machine are more than the applicable temperature range of the medium can easily lead to failure or machine damage! machine, extreme weather start the machine are more than the applicable temperature range of the medium, easily lead to failure or machine damage!

2: water tank: 1) should be installed one-way safety relief valve, some will also be installed in the high level of anti-temperature and replenishment valve! Prevent high-temperature scalding and municipal water shutdown resulting in the tank sucked flat! 2) If it is not too much trouble, after each use of the inlet valve closed, the outlet valve and at least one water point hot water valve open to ensure that the water tank through the atmosphere, so that the tank is not pressurized when not in use. You can maximize the life of the tank, but it's just a little annoying1