Children's hearing examination report, a forest of but a few things: acoustic impedance, auditory brainstem potential ABR, multi-frequency steady-state ASSR, (temporal bone) CT impact examination (showing the middle and inner ear and the inner auditory canal) and so on. Hospitals generally only give these objective tests, and in general these results must be converted into units of pure tone hearing: hearing levels to be analyzed, they can only give a prognosis of residual hearing, and there is an error with the real hearing loss (pure tone behavioral hearing). Parents of children who are not yet able to perform pure tone audiometry should refrain from purchasing hearing aids without behavioral audiometry such as visual reinforcement and multifrequency homeostasis! Before choosing a hearing aid, you should try to cooperate with the dispenser to conduct a little subjective behavioral testing, and combine the results of behavioral testing with the ASSR, brainstem ABR and other reports to get a comprehensive understanding of your child's degree of hearing loss and the quality of hearing.
Second, the power first to take into account the performance
Children's hearing loss is generally more serious, and a moment of hearing is difficult to measure very accurately, the choice of children's hearing aids, should be reserved for sufficient gain. A child with such a large hearing loss may not be able to achieve good results with a hearing aid, but if the child is able to understand simple words with a hearing aid, the risk of poor results with a cochlear implant is greatly reduced. When selecting a hearing aid for a profoundly deaf child, full consideration should be given to the low-frequency compensation effect and the gain of the hearing aid, which has to be heard before it can be understood!
Three, behind-the-ear or in-the-ear hearing aids
Elected behind-the-ear or in-the-ear hearing aids, behind-the-ear appearance of a larger volume, worn in the ear is easy to find, but because of the *** vibration sound tube is longer, you can get a better sound quality, and more power, in the child to change the time of the ear mold does not affect the child to use. Customized machine volume is small, beautiful, but relatively small power, if a very small child fitting there will not be used for too long because the child's ear canal grows up need to change the shell, change the shell during the hearing aid can not be used, so parents and fitters in the choice of some of the difficult, in general, if the child's age is too small, less than 5 years old, the optional customized machine for the shell is too frequent, it is not appropriate to choose, and in addition, if the family In addition, if the family is not too concerned about the appearance of the case are recommended to choose the back of the ear machine, the use of ear mold. If you want to use a customized machine, the child's age is still a little older, the ear canal changes not so fast when you can consider choosing.