Words with 0r in Chinese


American [?r?d?n?l]

adj. primitive; original; original; novel

n. original text; prototype; originals; oddities

plural: originals


American [? :r?d?n]

n. origin, root; birth; [number] point of origin, starting point; [solution] the beginning (of a tendon, nerve)

Plural: origins


US [? :rd?(r)]

n. order; order; rule, system; order

vt. to order; to order; to organize

vi. to place an order

Plural: orders Past tense: ordered Past participle: ordered


US [? :rdneri]

adj. ordinary; common; commonplace; mediocre


English [? ri?n?te?n]

American [?ri?n?te?n, -?n-, ?or-]

n. direction, orientation, orientation, orientation; training for a job; determination of course [attitude] (in diplomacy, etc.); determination of circumstances

plural: orientations


American [? :rg?n?ze?n]

n. organization; institution; group

adj. organized

plural: organizations


US [? :r?g?n?k]

adj. organic; organized, systematic; organic; fundamental


US [? :r?nd?]

n. tangerine, orange; [plant] orange tree; orange; tangerine

adj. orange; tangerine; tangerine-red

Plural: oranges


US [? :rg?na?z]

v. organize; arrange; plan; build an organization

Past tense: organized

Past participle: organized


US ['? :r?rnt?d]

adj. oriented; oriented in the direction of...; directed; oriented


US [? :rθ?dɑ:ks]

adj. normative; recognizable; generally approved; orthodox


US [?r?l]

adj. oral, orally; orally spoken; belonging to or about the mouth; constituting or using speech

n. (esp. in a foreign language exam)

American [?o?ro?'f?r?ks]

n. oropharynx


American [? :rfn]

n. orphan

vt. to make orphans

adj. orphaned; parentless


American [k?:rd]

n. (thin) rope; corduroy pants

vt. to bind with a rope; to pile up (fag payloads)

plural: cords


U.S. [t?:rn]

v. to tear (past participle of tear); rip; break


U.S. [s?:rt]

n. to classify, categorize; nature; quality; method; group

vt. & vi. to sort out; tidy up, organize; fit in

vi. classify; organize; fit

vt. to select; classify; put in order

vi. to classify; to socialize; to coordinate


American [s?r, sor]

adj. to ache; to grieve; to irritate, to anger

n. (skin) a sore, a wound

adv. (archaic, poetic) same as sorely

plural: sores


American [l?:rd]

n. Lord; lord; God; (used in England as a term of respect for a judge, bishop, or some member of the male aristocracy) lord

n. (of a court, or of a court of justice, bishop, or some member of the male aristocracy)

n. (of a court of justice, bishop, or some member of the male aristocracy) lord. /p>

vi. to show off

plural: lords


American [?l?:ri]

n. a delivery vehicle, a motorized truck


American [b?:rn]

vt. past participle of bear; to back up, to support; to carry in person, to transport. Transportation

vi. result, produce; pertaining to

adj. born, born of...; natural, gifted

New York

[?nju: ?j?:k]

n. New York (founded in 1624 in southeastern part of the state of New York, under the jurisdiction of the state of New York, under the jurisdiction of the five boroughs. New York is the financial and economic center, largest city, port, and most populous city in the entire United States, as well as the largest city in the world)


US [f?r,f?]

prep. for, in order to; inclined to; about; as

conj. because, due to


U.S. [f?:rm]

n. shape, form; shape; manner; form

vt. to form; to constitute; to organize; to shape

vi. to form, to produce; to line up in a queue, to form a whole group

Plural: forms

Past tense: formed


U.S. [f?:. rs]

n. force; forcefulness; (social) power; verve

vt. to compel; to force; to cause, to push; to rape

plural: forces

past tense: forced


American [m?r, mor]

adv. to be more, much more; to reach or to a greater extent or degree; moreover, moreover

adj. more; comparative of (many); additional, extra

pron. a more or additional person or thing

n. more; additional, added


US [?m?:r?l]

adj. Moral, moral; spiritual; unquestionably, certainly; teaching morals

n. moral, lesson; (esp. between a man and a woman) character; maxim; 〈ancient〉relative....................................................... of, horizontal; horizonal; [plant] (branch) flat-layered; of the same trade, class

n. horizontals; horizontal surfaces; horizontal positions; horizontal objects

plural: horizontals


American [h?:rs]

n. a horse; a soldier on horseback, a cavalryman; a footed rack; jumper, saddle horse

vt. to prepare a horse for...; to push or lift upward with force

vi. to desire to mate,, to use for a mare

adj. of a horse; to ride on the back of a horse; horse-drawn, using horse-power; larger, coarser and harder

Plural: horses


US [d?:rm]

n. quarters


US [e:rt?]

n. aorta

plural: aortas


US [d?:rk]

n. <slang> a fool; an incompetent, incompetent; stupid; <slang> (derided) dorks

plural: dorks


American [?v?:rteks]

n. [navigation] vortex; vortex of [something]; center (of unrest, controversy, etc.); whirlwind

plural: vortices < /p>


US [?n?:rml]

adj. normal; regular, standard; [math] orthogonal; of sound mind

n. normal, normality; standard; [math] normal

plural: normals


US [n?:. rθ]

n. north; northern; (of the US Civil War fighting the South) the northern states; the developed countries of the North (especially the countries of Europe and North America)

adj. northern; northward; toward the north; (of wind, light) from the north

adv. in the north; from the north; northward


US [ n?r]

conj. nor; neither; used with neither or not; de-nor


US [?p?:r?n]

n. a portion of; a share of an inheritance (or gift of property); a dowry; a share of property

vt. to divide... into shares; to distribute; to put... into a share of property; to divide... into shares; to distribute; to put... into a share of property; to divide... into shares; to divide... into shares; to distribute; to put... into shares; to put... into shares; to put... into shares; to put... into shares; to put... into shares; to put... into shares. to divide; to apportion; to divide (to); to be fated


US [w?:rd]

n. word; discourse; promise; news

vt. to phrase; to word; to express in words

vi. to speak

Plural: words


American [w?:rld]

n. the world; the earth; the realm; the earthly world

Plural: worlds


American [g?:rd?]

n. a fjord, canyon; a gullet; an overeating; an obstacle

vt. to fill up with food; to swallow; Expand

vi. to devour; to eat desperately


American [d?r,dor]

n. a door; a household; an entrance or exit; a family; a passageway


American [?d?t?]

n. a debtor; a debitor; a benefactor; a sinner

n. a person who owes money to another person or organization; a debtor, a borrower or a benefactor; an impediment to a crime

n. a debtor, a lender, a beneficiary, a sinner

n. a debtor, a borrower, a beneficiary, a sinner

n. a debtor, a debtor, a borrower, a benefactor, a sinner

plural: debtors


U.S. [?mo?t?(r)]

n. motor, engine, [rocket] booster; prime mover, prime mover; automobile; [to solve] motor muscle, motor nerve

vi. to drive [ride] in an automobile

vt. to transport by automobile

adj. . having an engine; propelled by an engine; motorized; muscular

plural: motors


American [?dɑ:kt?(r)]

n. physician, doctor; doctor; theologian; medical equipment

vt.& vi. medical treatment, practice of medicine

vt. . to repair, assemble; to counterfeit; to adulterate; to modify, embellish

plural: doctors


American [?k?lkj?let?]

n. a calculator; a calculator; a chart of calculations

plural: calculators


American [?t?:rt?s]

n. tortoise; a slow-moving person (or thing)

plural: tortoises