Reasons for the Rise of the Japanese Economy

The main reason why Japan has been able to realize its economic take-off in a relatively short period of history and rise rapidly to become the world's second largest economy is due to the Japanese corporate culture.

The main spirit of Japanese corporate culture is the spirit of teamwork and innovation. The spirit of teamwork is cohesion is the spirit of the Japanese nation: in the external natural environment is not conducive to the survival and development of the nation, the individual into the group, by virtue of the wisdom and strength of the group to win the survival and development of the individual, so, unity, cooperation, and the same *** suffering, solidarity and ****, and is willing to team, the nation, the nation, regardless of personal gains and losses, the courage to dedicate and the courage to sacrifice, that is, in the spirit of the national spirit of enterprise. The spirit of enterprise is dominated by the national spirit. The spirit of innovation is also derived from the national spirit: based on the sense of anxiety of the existential crisis, the Japanese nation has formed a particularly good at learning and learning from the successful experience of other peoples, absorbing the strengths of all nationalities, in order to innovate for survival, thus establishing Japan's "multi-alloy culture". Although the management idea of "corporate culture" was first proposed by the Americans, it has been a great success in Japan.

The West has criticized the corporate culture of life-long employment as affecting and restraining talented people and creating the problem of aging talent. This is a concern that arises from Western values. People who have reached the age of maturity often have their ideals and goals in life, and will only adjust their goals if they are not able to achieve them. In the beginning of the choice of employment, is a two-way choice, that is, enterprises and employees to choose each other, the enterprise to provide each employee with a variety of self-fulfillment of the security, so, since the self-realization of the need to obtain the security (including material treatment, opportunities for advancement, superior environment, etc.) after the acquisition of a sense of security, there is no "job-hopping" of the necessity of social mobility There is no need for social mobility of "job-hopping", and there will be no unemployment to be pushed to the society (of course, provided that the enterprise does not collapse and the employees have not done anything to harm the enterprise). Enterprises ensure that each employee's ability to continue to improve and income increases (annual merit system), therefore, employees belonging to the enterprise, there is no worry, and there is no reason not to go forward, to go to the battlefield to achieve self-worth! Japanese companies provide employees with far more protection than the Western social security, more reliable sense of belonging, each member of the team to achieve self-realization can be more and better than the conditions provided by Western companies to obtain support, so that there are more opportunities to realize their own life ideals and goals.

There are three major national mentalities that support the Japanese corporate culture. 1, the desire to be strong. Based on the traditional survival of the sense of crisis and anxiety, the Japanese people are particularly eager to become strong, successful (and here the strong, able to often refer to the success of the group, including themselves, the nation), worship the strong, able to despise the weak and incompetent. 2, pragmatic psychology. Also based on the traditional survival of the sense of crisis, the Japanese people are particularly pragmatic. They do not like dreamy, metaphysical thinking, but tend to facts, phenomena, experience, empirical way of thinking, the formation of "materialism" character. 3, "loyalty", "and" Mental. "Loyalty": Modern Japanese people have transformed the traditional national value of loyalty to the Emperor and the country into loyalty to the enterprise which is related to personal survival. Each member of the company sees the company as his or her home and contributes his or her youthful talent to the company, often working overtime voluntarily, toiling and giving their best in return for the favor the company has done for him or her. "Wo": The majority of Japanese managers are reticent, subtle, quiet, introverted and other-centered. In order to maintain consistency and cooperation among all members of the company, managers often use this "Wo" as a way of management, which leads to constant discussions and compromises to achieve a balanced harmony of the interests of all aspects of the company. This leads to constant discussion and compromise in order to achieve a balance and harmony between the interests of all aspects of the organization.

The influence of Japanese religion on corporate culture. Japanese religion is a kind of Confucianism, Buddhism and its own Shinto and other pluralistic **** exist in the system of thought, to learn from all the strengths. For example, both the acceptance of Confucianism's "loyalty", "and" ideas, but also in the enterprise's management philosophy, integrated into the Buddhism in the "world", "piety and gratitude" and other ideas. Piety and gratitude" and other ideas, so that employees feel that work is not only for personal material needs, but more importantly, there is spiritual fulfillment.

Japanese corporate culture is the catalyst of Japanese history. The catalyst for Japanese corporate culture is the Dahua Reform, the Meiji Restoration, and especially the right choice after World War II. The Japanese government and nationals were the reality of the time, and had to think about what the future of Japan. The failure of the first rise won by the Meiji Restoration inevitably made the Japanese nation seriously think and carefully choose how to realize the second rise of the Japanese nation! Corporate culture fulfills the need of this nation to think. It is with this thinking to seek survival and development, they made the choice to keep pace with the times - the road of economic globalization.

The development of Japanese corporate culture also depended on the post-war relationship between the Japanese government and Japanese companies. It has been proved that the recovery and rapid take-off of the Japanese economy could not have been achieved without this incorruptible and efficient service-oriented government. Such a government was conducive to the formation of the present-day Japanese corporate culture.

In 1986, Japan's gross national product reached more than one hundred and ninety billion dollars, second only to the United States, ranking second in the world. To 1987, relying on imports of iron ore and scrap steel development of Japan's iron and steel industry produced 98.5 million tons of crude steel, second only to the Soviet Union at the time, ranked second in the world; automobile production of twelve million units, if the 1909-1987 "Kingdom of the automobile" title belongs to the United States, then the title of the United States. After 1985, this title deservedly belongs to Japan; Japan's electrical appliances (especially home appliances) is invincible, male "domination" of the world. [1]

Japan began foreign direct investment (FDI) in 1951, and by 1986, the cumulative investment had exceeded one hundred billion dollars. By the nineties, the Japanese enterprises outward direct investment after the United States and Britain, ranking third in the world. Japanese multinational corporations are located in both developed and developing countries. According to the estimation of Mr. Tang Chunfeng of the Chinese Embassy in Japan, at the end of 2000, the total overseas assets of Japan reached 3.2046 trillion U.S. dollars. [2] With China's accession to the WTO and the continuous improvement of the system in all aspects, many Japanese companies have chosen China. Therefore it is necessary to make an analysis of the Japanese corporate culture in order to explore the mystery of the success of the Japanese corporate culture.

After the end of World War II, Japan, as a defeated country, even in the ruins of the war, only two or three decades to realize the economic takeoff, the rapid rise and become an economic power, and become the hometown of the economic miracle, but also the United States has become a major market competitor, which has aroused the depth of economists, management scientists and sociologists are seriously studying and exploring the reasons for the rapid rise of Japan's economy. The reasons for the rapid rise of the economy. It is recognized that Japan's corporate culture has played a major influence on Japan's economic development. One of the earliest concept of corporate culture put forward by the American management scientist William Ouchi, published in 1981, "Z Theory - How American Enterprises Meet the Challenges of Japan," in which he used comparative research methods to compare the A-type organizational management of American enterprises with the J-type organizational management of Japanese enterprises from seven aspects, and put forward his famous "Z Theory" to explain why Japan's economy has risen rapidly. His famous "Z theory" [3].

Type A organization: the leader's personal decision-making, employees are in a passive position to obey the enterprise is called type A enterprise. It is characterized by:

(1), short-term employment;

(2), rapid evaluation and promotion, i.e., a short performance appraisal period, and employees are rewarded quickly;

(3), a path of specialized experience, resulting in employees being overly confined to their own specialties, but not knowing much about the business as a whole;

(4), clear control;

( (5), personal decision-making process, which is not conducive to inducing employees' ingenuity and creativity;

(6), personal responsibility, with a clear person in charge of anything;

(7), localized relationships.

J-type organization: (He believes that Japanese companies are J-type organizations, with the following different characteristics)

(1), the implementation of long-term or life-long employment system, so that the employees and the enterprise with the pain and suffering, *** destiny;

(2), the implementation of long-term assessment of the staff and gradual promotion system (i.e., the annual merit sequence system);

(3), non-specialization of the experience of the road

(4), the management process should not only use clear and distinctive means of control, such as statistical reports and numerical information, but also pay attention to the careful and positive inspiration and guidance of human experience and potential;

(5), the adoption of a collective research decision-making process;

(6), the collective responsibility for a piece of work;

. p>(7), people establish a solid overall concept, employees treat each other as equals, everyone can make judgments about things and work independently, replacing hierarchical command with self-command.

Theory Z: Weiqian-Ouchi believes that Japanese business management style is generally more efficient than that of the United States, and that U.S. companies should learn from Japanese business management style. He believes that trust, sensitivity and intimacy are essential to the success of any business, and advocates frankness, openness and communication as the basic principles of "democratic management".

However, Wikian Ouchi is the visual management form level to study the Japanese corporate culture, is consistent with the actual management of Japanese enterprises, in the United States management concepts with the Japanese corporate culture for comparative study found that, although the corporate culture of Japan's economic development has made a contribution to the Japanese management experience can not be simply copied to the United States, because of the two countries, cultural traditions There is a huge difference between the two countries' cultural traditions. However, he remains optimistic that if U.S. A corporations follow the 13 steps he set out to change, they can successfully make the transition to a corporate culture management model within 10 to 15 years. ...... Yes or No? Non Yes?

In summary, I think that Prof. Wikian-Ouchi, in exploring the reasons for the success of Japanese corporate culture, has only conducted comparative research and explored the surface and superficial forms of the management model, and has not been able to summarize the fundamental reasons why the management concept of Japanese corporate culture has achieved great success in the development of the economy at a deeper level. Although all researchers agree that corporate culture is a very important factor in the rise and fall of enterprises, but can not be from the Japanese culture of Japan's economic development will have a unique role in the promotion of the deeper level on why the Japanese corporate culture will be the root cause of success.

Corporate culture includes three layers of connotation: at the core of the position is a variety of business philosophy, values, philosophical thinking and other spiritual awareness, the middle layer is the system and the behavior of the enterprise personnel, the outermost layer of the product, technology, material. Products, technology and materials are only the ideology of the enterprise's philosophy and spirit through the system and the behavior of the enterprise personnel and the externalization of the form of expression. In the whole enterprise culture, it is the core part that plays a decisive role - that is, ideology such as philosophy and spirit. However, researchers have focused on Japanese products, technologies, and materials, but have failed to see that the source of these products, technologies, and materials comes from the core of the culture, which is the spiritual consciousness. This spiritual consciousness cannot be separated from the culture, history and national psychology of the nation and the country.

To this end, I believe that only from the natural environment on which the Japanese nation relies for its survival and development, the history of the Japanese nation, the Japanese national psychology, religion and politics and other levels of discussion, it is possible to find out why the Japanese corporate culture can be a great impetus to Japan's economic development of the deeper reasons, in order to truly reveal the mystery of the success of the Japanese corporate culture.

One, the Japanese corporate culture of teamwork and innovation

Japanese people survive in a narrow island surrounded by the sea, not a large area, mountainous, arable land accounts for only fifteen percent of the national area, and poor mineral resources, and suffered from earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, etc. The natural environment, which is not conducive to the survival and development of the nation, is not favorable to the development of the natural environment. This natural environment is not conducive to the survival and development of the nation, depriving the Japanese nation of the right to ask for nature, if there is a trace of mercy from the Creator to the Japanese people, that is, to give it a vast fishing ground, but at that time, under the conditions of productivity, ocean fishing is a risky and difficult thing. In the face of such an external environment, the power of the individual was insignificant, and only by relying on collective wisdom and strength could the individual obtain the conditions for survival and development. Therefore, this unfavorable external environment for survival and development inevitably creates the team spirit and creativity of the Japanese nation. This is the inevitable choice for the survival and development of the Japanese nation.

1, the team spirit of the Japanese nation

In the unfavorable external natural environment for the survival and development of the nation, everyone has to face the sea and poor natural resources to obtain the material conditions necessary for the survival and development of the only way out is to integrate the individual into the group, just as the sea fishing, not the strength of the individual can be accomplished to rely on the group's wisdom and strength to win the individual's survival and development. Survival and development. They are united, collaborative, together *** suffering, solidarity with ***, so it is the unfavorable natural environment created the Japanese people inherent team spirit, but also fostered a willingness to the team, the nation, the country, regardless of personal gains and losses, the courage to dedication and courage to sacrifice, on the formation of the spirit of the Japanese nation from ancient times to the present day.

In ancient times, when productivity was low and the food produced was not enough to feed the whole family, in order to ensure the survival and development of future generations, there were cases in history where elderly people willingly allowed their sons to send them to the snow-covered forests to die without complaint, thus saving the rations of one person and allowing the whole family to continue. This spirit of self-sacrifice is rare among other peoples. From the historical work "Ten Years of Memories" [4], we can clearly see that Shigeru Yoshida, as the first Prime Minister of the new post-war Cabinet, personally had to give up his personal dignity by yielding to the pressure of the international environment against his will, in order to give Japan a chance for revival. In short, the spirit of self-sacrifice that everyone from ordinary people to prime ministers is willing to make for the sake of family and team, for the sake of the nation and the country, is the embodiment of the team spirit inherent in the Japanese nation. It is a natural and inevitable consequence of this spirit that it has been incorporated into Japanese companies to create the miracle of economic development. It is also incomparable to the kind of nation that is like a scattered plate of sand, where each person only cares about his or her own big gain. Japanese people this for the team, the nation, the country would rather sacrifice their own dedication to the formation of the national spirit, its cohesion and impetus can not be underestimated!

2, the Japanese national spirit of innovation.

(1) Absorption of the strengths of various nationalities, the establishment of Japan's pluralistic alloy culture.

Based on the existential crisis of the sense of anxiety, the Japanese nation has formed a particularly good at learning and borrowing from the success of other peoples. In the 7th century AD, Japan had been imitating and learning from China's Tang Dynasty culture. 1853 American fleet blasted open the backward, still closed Japan, the Japanese people woke up, and turned to consciously learn from Europe and the United States of America's industrialized civilization and culture, and laid the foundation of the Meiji Restoration of 1867 for the implementation of the reform of the capitalist "civilization development". [5] The Japanese people's learning and borrowing is always combined with the actuality of the people, for our use. Embodied in the enterprise is the special implementation of the reverse engineering, innovation project, that is, the advantages and disadvantages of the same product in various countries listed, and then set the best in one. Inclusion, for my use, the sea, tolerance, to innovation for survival.

(2) Japanese corporate culture is an innovation and contribution to management theory.

In terms of enterprise management, from classicism to the United States Taylor's scientific management theory, Fayol's organizational theory, Professor Mayo's behavioral science theory and then to the modern management theory jungle, although the application of the different historical stages and different countries, nationalities, have contributed to the development of productive forces to varying degrees, but they are all, without exception, completely in the manager's standpoint, and the purpose of which are to The purpose of the theory is to maintain the manager's interest in maximizing the motivation of the employer (producer), but at different stages of history, in different forms, methods and to meet the needs of the producer at different levels. But there has never been a management theory can be finally eliminated or dissolved in the enterprise employers and business owners (some books called "labor") contradictions and conflicts between the two sides, and a series of management theories of the *** with the same idea, without exception, to find ways to change from the material or spiritual level as a variety of incentives and ways to Mobilize the motivation of the employer. At best, these theories are only a temporary reprieve from the contradictions between the two sides of the "labor and management", and can not be fundamentally eradicated in the enterprise labor-management conflicts, which is considered by Marx as an irreconcilable class contradiction.

But the concept of Japanese corporate culture and its practice have harmonized the interests of business owners with those of employees. Although the management idea of "corporate culture" was first proposed by the Americans, it has been a great success in Japan.

First of all, the owner of the enterprise to the producers of life or long-term employment system [6], eliminating the unemployment crisis of the employees. Japanese entrepreneurs believe that the "firing" this stick and privilege to the staff, not as good as the staff as the master of the enterprise, the formation of the staff and the enterprise *** survival of the sense of concern, more stimulate the sense of responsibility, enthusiasm and creativity of the staff. Therefore, at any cost to train everyone into a multi-functional talents, the employment of continuous further training and job rotation is a characteristic of Japanese enterprises, advocating "employees and business *** with the growth". Japanese enterprises and the enterprise is divided into a number of departments and groups, to take decisions by the group, the group is responsible for, rewards and penalties fall on the group, generally do not pursue to personal responsibility. This will be able to form a "one person in trouble, the collective help" corporate cohesion. With continuous training and skill mastery, the vast majority of employees to enhance the initiative and self-confidence, can give full play to their own ingenuity, very well to complete their work tasks. And then the "annual merit sequence listing system" [7] to ensure that each employee's self-realization needs, so that the enterprise talent constantly realize the upward mobility. Enterprises are not only engaged in production and management activities, but also become the center of each employee's social life, is each member of the "personality formation" and "spiritual cultivation" of the place. The five levels of human needs proposed by Maslow can be satisfied in the enterprise. As a result, the corporate culture has transformed Japanese companies into a community of interests and social life for both employers and employees, and has succeeded in turning a company into a big family by eliminating unfair competition and underhanded practices that are impossible to prevent, and by turning the loyalty of employees to their home and country into loyalty to the company.

The implementation of the annual merit sequence system (i.e., a system in which wages and positions increase with the employee's length of service in the enterprise) ensures that each member, after a long period of appraisal, will be given equal opportunities for gradual promotion, and ultimately, the need for self-fulfillment will be satisfied. This humanized corporate culture of equal concern for the interests of employees, so that employees get full satisfaction, sense of identity and a sense of belonging to the enterprise, so that the enterprise is full of gratitude for the kindness and internalized into a conscious effort to serve the enterprise's driving force. Therefore, "job-hopping" is considered a very dishonorable thing.[8] After the formation of this value, the company will be able to provide its employees with a sense of satisfaction, identity and belonging. [8] When such values are formed, companies do not have to worry about brain drain.

On the other hand, the trade union's traditional function of representing the interests of workers in their struggle against their employers has been transformed into a function of coordinating and communicating with both labor and management. Any mediation by the trade unions reflects a balanced approach to both labor and management and does not encourage confrontation between the two sides!

It is self-evident that among the three elements constituting the productive forces, namely, producers, means of production and objects of labor, the producers are the determining factor, and it is only under the condition of guaranteeing the enthusiasm of the producers for labor and production, and giving full play to the creativity and sense of mastery and responsibility of the producers, that the productive forces can be truly emancipated. The use of political slogans and visionary blueprints to motivate producers in the form of pie in the sky is not sustainable. This corporate culture image of the enterprise as a family, the rise and fall of the family is related to each member of the family, so each member will fight for the honor and prosperity of the family. This team spirit has the fighting spirit of breaking the boat and going forward. This corporate culture also image of the enterprise into a ship in the commercial sea, from each crew to the captain, *** with the same boat ****jiji team spirit to ensure that the ship will not sink. Therefore, with the enterprise with the suffering, *** fate, is the vocation of each member of the enterprise. In the hearts of employees, the enterprise is not just the owner of the enterprise, the enterprise belongs to all employees, including themselves.

This theory of corporate culture is the past traditional and other management theories can not be reached, is the Japanese nation's innovation of management theory. The affinity and cohesion formed by this corporate culture and its innovative spirit are also one of the deep reasons why Japanese corporate culture has created an economic miracle. In mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of producers to promote the liberation and development of productive forces, the Japanese corporate culture is extremely successful!

(3) innovation in management thinking

Japanese companies are best at reverse thinking, the most famous is the "Kanban management" [9], which has successfully solved the problem of both small batches, many varieties, and low cost. That is, starting from the results, starting from the customer's various requirements and opinions, starting from the last process of the product forward, thinking about how to achieve a variety of customer requirements, each process is to the next process as their own "users", in accordance with the "user" needs for production, and the user puts itself in the hands of the "user". Each process sees the next process as its own "user" and produces according to the "user's" needs, while the user writes his needs in detail on a conspicuous board, using the Kanban board to control the entire production process. Toyota has adopted this approach, greatly enhancing Toyota's market competitiveness.

At first glance, this management model, marveling at its creativity, but on second thought, this is the inevitable human-centered concept. With the solution of people's food and clothing, people are more inclined to pursue personalized products and life, "Kanban management" is to respect and constantly meet the needs of consumers increasingly updated under the goal of this human nature. The sense of management from the practical point of view, rather than from dogma and experience, has given full play to the advantages of market capture, which has enabled Japanese companies to stand out and take the lead in the fierce conditions of free competition.

(4) My Evaluation

The West has criticized the corporate culture of life-long employment as affecting and restraining talented people and creating the problem of aging talent. This is a concern that arises from Western values. People who have reached maturity often have their own ideals and goals in life, and will only adjust their goals if they are not able to achieve them. In the beginning of the choice of employment, is a two-way choice, that is, enterprises and employees to choose each other, the enterprise to provide each employee with a variety of self-fulfillment of the security, so, since the self-realization of the need to obtain the security (including material treatment, opportunities for advancement, superior environment, etc.) after the acquisition of the security, the sense of security, there is no "job-hopping" of the necessity of social mobility There is no need for social mobility of "job-hopping", and there will be no unemployment to be pushed to the society (of course, provided that the enterprise does not collapse and the employees do not do anything to harm the enterprise). The enterprise ensures the continuous improvement of each employee's ability and income (annual merit system), therefore, after the employee belongs to the enterprise, there is no worry at all, and there is no reason not to move forward and go to the battlefield to realize the self-worth! Japanese enterprises to provide employees with security far more than the Western social security, more reliable sense of belonging, each member of the realization of the self can be in the team to obtain more and better than the conditions provided by Western enterprises to support, and thus have more opportunities to realize their own life ideals and goals.

If the ideal of self-realization is set to cross the Pacific Ocean, Americans advocate that they drive their own boats and row the whole way, oar by oar, believing that this can reflect the value of the individual. The Japanese corporate culture is to ride on a huge ship of 10,000 tons, with the strength of the group, work together, the same boat **** to complete the whole process. The Japanese people believe that personal value is only melted into the team value, will be reflected; team value is all members of the individual value of a high degree of concentration. The kind of scattered personal values, with the Japanese national values are incompatible.

Two, the traditional psychology of the nation's influence on its corporate culture

1, the desire to become a strong mentality

Based on the traditional sense of survival of the sense of crisis and anxiety, the Japanese people are particularly eager to become strong, successful (and here the strong, able to often refer to the success of the group, including their own, the nation), worship of the strong, able to despise the weak and incompetent. . [10] In 1853, the U.S. fleet blasted open the door of Japan, which was backward at that time, and the Japanese people did not take it as a shame, but instead worshiped the U.S. as a teacher, absorbed Western culture, and finally in 1868, the epoch-making changes of the Meiji Restoration occurred. [11] This kind of psychological consciousness from the sense of crisis and danger, the desire to become strong, has been y deposited in the blood of their ancestors, and has been passed down from generation to generation, and has become a kind of unique national psychology. This mentality has made the Japanese nation a nation that dares to explore and take risks, innovate, and strive to be strong and self-improvement. Japanese enterprises can not be an exception to uphold this national psychology, so that they are always looking for opportunities for success, dare to fight, indomitable, good at learning and absorbing the advantages and strengths of other countries advanced for my use, no matter which corner of the world, once there is a new idea, new technology, it is always at any cost, and even by all means to search back to make their own continued to be strong, invincible.

This realization is reflected in the corporate strategy is rather allow the enterprise to incur deficits, but also can not let the market share to competitors. Even in the case of declining sales, still increase investment, expand production capacity, increase sales outlets, strengthen promotional activities, to maintain the momentum of the enterprise to continue to rise, in any case, can not give up market share to competitors. In their view, if they can't outperform their competitors, they will be gradually eliminated from the game. This has made them a strong character of knowing the difficulties and the adventurous spirit and destiny of either a complete failure or a great success!

Some people say: "This traditional national psychology to the extreme, it is expressed in the living to win in the competition, to become strong, successful, but if you fail, go to jump off a building to commit suicide, no one will have pity on a loser, the Japanese nation is a nation that can not tolerate failure." [12] Although, Japan has a high suicide rate and some literature drips with an aesthetic tendency to appreciate death. However, for the vast majority of Japanese people, there is no such extreme mentality.

2. Pragmatism

Based on the traditional sense of crisis, the Japanese are particularly pragmatic. They dislike philosophical and metaphysical thinking, and tend to think in terms of facts, phenomena, experience, and empirical evidence, forming the character of "materialism" as mentioned later. [

Modern Japanese people have a master plan for the economy and respect the laws of the economy, letting the passion and imagination flow into the mold of the objective laws and casting the actual products, instead of engaging in the construction of the economy in an arbitrary and subjective way. They are pragmatic and truth-seeking, do not talk about empty talk, do not play games, do not engage in self-deceiving tricks, honest toil and wisdom to cultivate the flower of ideals, and thus can create miracles. This is in stark contrast to our national character, which once advocated vanity, grandiosity and self-paralysis. These two peoples from the ruins of the war started at the same time, decades later, one did to heaven, but one is facing economic collapse in the re-discussion of the standard of truth ......

3, "loyal", "and "Psychology

"Loyalty": modern Japanese have been the traditional allegiance to the emperor, allegiance to the country this national value is specifically transformed into the relationship between personal survival of the enterprise's allegiance. Each member of the enterprise as their own home, for the enterprise to contribute their youthful talent, they often voluntarily work overtime, hard work, dedication, many employees are suffering from fatigue syndrome. All in order to return the favor of the enterprise on their own!

"Wo": the vast majority of Japanese managers are reticent, subtle, quiet, introverted and other-centered, in order to maintain consistency and cooperation among all members of the enterprise, managers often use this "wo" as a management style, leading to constant discussion and compromise, in order to achieve the success of all aspects of the enterprise. This leads to constant discussion and compromise in order to achieve balance and harmony between the interests of all aspects of the organization.

The influence of Japanese religion on corporate culture

Confucianism was introduced to Japan around the 5th century. Confucianism in the "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, loyalty, faith, wisdom, filial piety, and, love, respect, thrift, patience, give way" and other ethical ideas, in Japan, such a strong sense of crisis and a sense of concern and therefore worship the strongest of the people, not all of them are able to take root in Japan, accepted by all the Japanese people. Not only has Confucianism not been allowed to take the lead, but different schools of thought and religions have been allowed to co-exist. Japan's religion is a pluralistic ****existence of Confucianism, Buddhism and its own Shinto and other systems of thought.

The Japanese dislike polemical and metaphysical thinking, and favor factual, phenomenal, empirical, and empirical ways of thinking - the "materialistic" character of Japanese culture.[14]

The Japanese have a strong sense of the "materialistic" nature of their culture.

"Ren, which is the most important element of Confucianism, is completely excluded from the Japanese ethical system." [15]

This is the first time in the history of the Japanese people that the concept of "benevolence" has been excluded from the Japanese ethical system. [15]

Another example is that Confucianism cannot be said to be devoid of "sincerity", as stated in the Zhongyong (The Middle Ages): "Sincerity is from sincerity; and the Way is from the Way. Sincerity, the end of things, not sincere no matter". However, it did not have a strong influence on the descendants of the Chinese nation and formed a system of thought centered on "sincerity", but instead, the 36 stratagems that taught people to be cunning and treacherous penetrated into the human soul. However, in the late Edo period in Japan, the ethic centered on "Makoto" became the mainstream ...... In Japanese Confucianism, the ethic centered on "Makoto" gradually came to dominate. [16] This culture for the later development of Japanese enterprises to play an immeasurable role, but we do not develop "sincerity" culture, the lack of "integrity" is the root cause of our market economy is difficult to regulate, so that today our society (including enterprises) This paid and will continue to pay a heavy price.

Japan mainly accepted the Confucian idea of "loyalty" and "harmony".

Until the mid-nineteenth century, when American gunboats opened the gates of Japan, and after the Meiji Restoration in 1868, although Western culture and values came to Japan, Japan did not develop capitalism in a way that completely denied its history and its past, but still inherited and retained the culture and values of the feudal era, and the concept of loyalty and patriotism centered on the Emperor was y rooted in the hearts of every citizen. The concept of loyalty and patriotism centering on the Emperor was y rooted in the hearts of every citizen. Even after its defeat in the Second World War, Japan did not allow the Allied Powers to hold the Emperor responsible for the war, and strongly demanded that the emperor system should continue to be preserved, and that the Emperor was still an idol worshipped by the people, and that the Emperor was the nucleus that united the whole nation. It can be seen that "loyalty" has been y deposited in the marrow of the Japanese people.

However, today, the imperial family, long ago, can not intervene in politics, can only be in the civil society, diplomacy, engaged in some ceremonial activities only. Japanese people have successfully transformed the concept of loyalty to the emperor into the concept of loyalty to the enterprise.

"Loyalty", so that the Japanese enterprises in the "lifetime employment system" can be implemented, so that employees have a high degree of loyalty to the enterprise, in the Japanese enterprises, if a person to meet their own interests and jump ship, will be blamed and discriminated against, the people of this "disloyalty". In Japanese companies, if someone jumps ship to satisfy their own interests, they are blamed and discriminated against, and they are shunned as "disloyal" and are unwilling to work with them. (This is very different from Western values.) The interests of the employees will depend on the efficiency of the enterprise and the length of service, Japanese enterprises generally prevailed in the "annual merit system", that is, the salary increases with the increase in the length of service, the longer you work in the enterprise, the higher the salary; the better the efficiency of the enterprise, the higher the salary. This makes the staff loyalty to the enterprise and the enterprise to the staff of the high degree of responsibility for the formation of an interdependent unity, the formation of a life-long honor and disgrace and ****, with the **** relationship.

"And", on the other hand, from the concept of ensuring that employees cooperate with others in the enterprise,