Mechanical equipment debugging "debugging" in English with what words?

Debugging in English: shakedown test

test? [test]? American? [test]? ? 

1. to examine; to test; to test

2. as an intransitive verb meaning: to try; to test; to be quizzed


1. hardness test ?[force]? Hardness test ; Hardness test ; Hardness experiment

2, Dynamic test? Dynamic test ;? [test]? Dynamic test ;? [Force]? Dynamic test ;Dynamic test

3, orthogonal test?[Agronomy]? orthogonal test ; orthogonal experimental method ; orthogonal design

4, Term test ?item test ; long-term test ; midterm exam

5, Tourniquet test ?corset test ; blood pressure band test ; tourniquet test

Expanded Information

Word Usage of test

1, the basic meaning of test as a noun is "test", refers to a series of questions to be answered to test the applicant's knowledge of a subject, but also refers to a series of actions to prove how well a person has done, but also refers to the "physical examination, laboratory test" "test, test", derived from "test", "test", "test", "test", "test".

2, test can also be used to test other things standard "judgment criterion, litmus test".

3. test as a verb basically means "to test", "to examine", "to check", "to examine", meaning to test according to the standard of other things.

3, used as a verb, the basic meaning is "test" "test" "check" "examination" "test", refers to the standard of the subject to the test, the purpose is to test the content of something or there may be shortcomings, defects, and so on, can be extended as "test" "exploration, detection" solution.

4. test is generally used as a transitive verb, with a noun or pronoun as object, and can be used in passive structure.

5, test can be a noun, can be a verb, as a noun in front of the crown the or a, such as put to the?test (test).