How does Meituan 4006605335 turn to manual service?

Dial 4006605335, press 0 to switch to manual service.

You can enter official website to consult customer service.

Extension extension:

Customer service hours, 9:00-22:00 every day.

Customer service hotline10107888; Cat's eye movie customer service hotline10105335; Take-away customer service hotline 10 109777.

For media and channels, if you want to discuss resource replacement and market cooperation, please contact: (replace # with @).

If you are a businessman, you want to organize a group purchase on the US delegation. Please submit the group purchase information online.

It can also be mailed to Beijing Sankuai Technology Co., Ltd. at Block BC, Hengdian Building, No.4 Wangjing East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

reference data。[ citation time 20 18- 1-23]