Explanation of Tonghou

Tonghou's explanation: Greet each other. The Nine-Tailed Turtle (《九尾龟》第三五回):"Only that Zhang Qiugu suddenly remembered that this guest surnamed Fang, with Qiugu originally knew, and his family also had two to three hundred thousand family wealth, and his own family was an illiterate person, and you just asked him to write a letter of common greetings, and he couldn't write it either." 清 魏源 《致邓显鹤信》之三:"闻在裕制军公祖幕中,特附一部,便中望为转呈,未敢修书通候,恐涉 冒昧 耳。" Word Breakdown Explanation of Tong Tong ō To have an obstruction that can be passed through, to be able to reach: ventilation. 通天. 通气. Through the night. Pass. Through. Throughway. through . Through. to be able to go through. understand, thoroughly understand : understand. thorough. To know the present and the past. to understand: to understand. To communicate: to order. Communication . inform . Notices. Notification. Wanted. Explanation of Waiting Waiting: Waiting. Waiting room. Candidate. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting for trial. Waiting to be seen. to visit , to greet: to serve . Greeting. Season: Time. Climate. Migratory birds. Migratory insects. Things in a state of flux: fire 兒. The symptoms of a disease. In ancient times, five days were referred to as "one season", which is still practiced in meteorology.