Sewage treatment ammonia nitrogen high how to do

Question 1: How to reduce the value of high ammonia nitrogen in sewage treatment Ammonia nitrogen in the water is too high, if not treated directly discharged will seriously affect the environment, the Environmental Protection Agency in this area is also a strict investigation, you must look for professional environmental protection company to deal with it, for this high ammonia nitrogen wastewater, Esbbe environmentally friendly de-ammonia membrane method of treatment, the principle of the process is that ammonia nitrogen in the water the existence of the following ionization equilibrium: NH4+ + OH- = NH3? H2O will be adjusted to alkaline pH, the use of deamination membrane under heating conditions to make ammonia nitrogen separation from water, this method than the traditional blowing off method of low operating costs, small footprint, easy maintenance and other advantages.

Problem 2: how to deal with high ammonia nitrogen in urban wastewater treatment plant high ammonia nitrogen in urban wastewater treatment plant water, simple and the fastest and most stable solution is to install a microbial generator, microbial generator main advantages are as follows:

1, a high degree of automation, wastewater treatment effect

The equipment adopts a three-stage generation, alternating operation, level by level derivation, Logarithmic growth technology, resulting in the generator to produce microbial density up to 1.8 × 1020CFU / ml, high-density microbial release into the microbial purification and treatment equipment, microbial purification and treatment equipment in the biomass rapidly increased to more than 2.0 × 104mg / L, can be sewage pollutants in the complete decomposition of CO2 and H2O, so as to make the sewage is purified.

2, a wide range of adaptability

The equipment for the more ideal sewage biological purification and treatment equipment, according to different kinds of sewage treatment needs, different nature, different environments, to generate different populations, different genera, different temperatures, different sewage treatment of micro-organisms, especially suitable for urban sewage, rural sewage, sewage, medical wastewater, industrial wastewater, livestock and poultry waste water, high salt wastewater, high temperature, high wastewater, high quality wastewater, high quality wastewater, high quality wastewater, high quality wastewater. It is especially suitable for urban sewage, rural sewage, medical sewage, industrial wastewater, livestock and poultry wastewater, high salt wastewater, high ammonia wastewater, toxic wastewater, heavy metal wastewater, garbage leachate and other wastewater (sewage) treatment needs.

The equipment can also be directly with the contact oxidation method, AB method, A/O method, oxidation ditch, SBR and other old wastewater treatment projects, in neither change the wastewater treatment process, nor change the conditions of civil engineering, to achieve the upgrading and expansion of wastewater treatment, sludge reduction, denitrification and dephosphorization, reuse of water and other purposes. The equipment can also be used in landscape, river, lake, river, saltwater lake, bay, land and other fields to remove micro-pollution and protect the public **** environment.

3, outstanding economic benefits

The micro-device produces high-density advantageous microbial flora, can quickly eat off the pollutants and sludge in the sewage, and does not produce odor, without sludge dewatering machine, sludge conveyor, mud cake outgoing car, exhaust gas treatment equipment and high-power blower aeration equipment, and the traditional method of comparison, the energy consumption of the activated sludge method is 1/8, the investment of the equipment can save Seventy percent, but also in the shallow pool on the operation, so that the sewage treatment tank volume is reduced, the depth of shallow, greatly reducing the cost of a one-time investment and long-term management costs.

4, easy to manage, safe and reliable

The equipment produces a high density of microbial flora through the jet stream into the treatment pool, can quickly reduce the biological oxygen consumption in sewage (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and solid suspended solids (TSS), and has a strong function of denitrification and phosphorus removal, but also in a very short period of time to make the 5 types of water into more than 3 categories, 7 days to eliminate The odor in the sewage, eat about 50% of the sludge in the sewage in 10 days, degrade 20% of the BOD every day, and achieve standard discharge or water reuse in 10-15 days.

Using this equipment to treat sewage without the worry of sludge expansion, but also not subject to the age limit of the operator's education, easy to manage, safe and reliable.

5, no secondary pollution, creating a green environment

With the increasing incidence of high-density microbial flora, biological oxygen consumption (BOD) in the sewage is less and less, a large number of microorganisms due to the lack of BOD and the loss of energy to survive self-extinguishing into carbon dioxide and water, the micro-organisms not self-extinguishing can also become the bait of the fish and zooplankton, and thus the formation of benign ecological

The treatment and purification process, there is no odor, no smell, and no water, the water can be used to treat the sewage. Processing purification process, no odor, no sludge, no secondary pollution, creating a green environment.

6, not affected by the climate, complete biochemical treatment

The use of traditional biochemical method of sewage treatment, affected by the climate and water temperature changes, when the temperature is reduced by 10 degrees per microbial enzyme reaction rate is reduced by 1-2 times, the climate leads to microbial activity is insufficient, resulting in a bad effect of sewage treatment, not only threatened by the northern sewage treatment plants, for the southern winter sewage treatment plant is also a severe test of the Treatment plant is also a severe Jun test, Guizhou Great Wall Environmental Protection Science and Technology Co., Ltd. production of patented products microbial purification and treatment equipment completely solved this problem, the generator system produces a high concentration of microbial flora released into the microbial purification and treatment system, its biomass interrogation rate of more than 2.0 × 104mg/L, so that the microbial purification and treatment equipment in the biological concentration of activated sludge compared to improve 10 times. It fills the technical problem of insufficient biomass and poor sewage treatment effect due to low water temperature.

7, to solve the lack of activity, to ensure that the water quality standards

The traditional biochemical treatment of high concentration, high ammonia nitrogen, high salt, toxicity, heavy metal wastewater, due to the microbes in the sewage in the small number of live, small, resulting in sewage treatment of the effluent water quality is poor, the effect is unstable, and difficult to meet the standards of discharge. Microbial purification and treatment equipment in a unique way to completely solve this problem, the microbial generation system can produce more than 1.8 × 1020CFU/ml ...... >>

Question 3: What about high ammonia nitrogen in sewage treatment? Reduce the amount of water intake, reduce the internal reflux ratio, extend the actual hydraulic retention time of the aerobic unit, improve the nitrification effect pay close attention to other water quality indicators and sludge indicators of change;

Try to avoid the phenomenon of sludge disintegration or sludge expansion; if the case should be quickly to the system to add rogue coagulant or iron salts, to improve the performance of the sludge flocculation and settling;

Concerned about the pH and TP situation, try to ensure that the system is in a weakly alkaline environment, to ensure that the system is in a weakly alkaline environment.

If the TP concentration in the reactor is significantly lower than the usual level, the system should be supplemented with appropriate dihydrogen phosphate bait or phosphate fertilizer to improve the flocculation effect of the sludge and the nitrification ability;

Increase the external reflux ratio, maintain the relatively high sludge concentration in the biochemical unit, and improve the system's resistance to flocculation and nitrification.

Increase the ratio of external return flow, maintain a relatively high sludge concentration in the biochemical unit to improve the shock load resistance of the system;

Increase the DO concentration (2.5 -4.0 mglL) to improve the nitrification effect;

After this part of sludge enters the secondary sedimentation tank, reduce the external return flow and increase the discharge of residual sludge, so that this part of the sludge can be treated as soon as possible without any harmful effects;

If the condition permits, you can determine the respiration index and nitrification rate of the sludge respectively.

If conditions permit, the sludge respiration index and nitrification rate can be measured separately to assist in the judgment of the cause of exceeding the standard;

Increase the sampling frequency of laboratory analysis to test the effect of emergency measures taken to improve the quality of the effluent, or else other methods should be replaced or a variety of methods should be used in conjunction with each other to shorten the recovery time of the treatment system as much as possible.

Shandong Bostar environmental protection for your answer, thank you

Question 4: municipal wastewater treatment plant influent ammonia nitrogen is too high out of the water is constantly rising how? Only the nitrification process can be converted to nitrate or nitrite nitrogen, not to rise, may be only treated to the carbonation stage of sewage, not convulsive into the nitrification stage, in the process of some organic nitrogen into ammonia nitrogen it!

Not into the nitrification stage should be more general, organic nitrogen in the nitrification stage before the ammonification stage of organic nitrogen into ammoniacal nitrogen, which caused the measurement before and after the later does not fall but rise.

1. Through the aeration of the biofilter after the wastewater in the organic nitrogen is ammoniated to ammonia nitrogen, so the monitoring of ammonia nitrogen will be found to be elevated;

2. Aeration of the pool of filter media and aeration method of choice has a problem, the pool of sludge is basically a reproduction of the water discharged with the water, there is no guarantee of the age of the natural nitrification of the bacteria can not be formed, that is to say, the NH4-N elevated, but was not removed;

3. p>

3. Aerated biofilter gas can not be large and must be uniform, for the influent COD higher wastewater is not suitable, of course, the exception of the contact oxidation process;

Problem 5: how to do the wastewater ammonia nitrogen exceeds the standard? Wastewater ammonia nitrogen removal of the most traditional process is blowing off the method, but this process has a large footprint, high operating costs, noise and other shortcomings. At present, the most effective method for ammonia wastewater treatment should be the deamination membrane method, this equipment technology NH3 separation and absorption is completed at the same time on the inside and outside of the membrane filament, eliminating the action of the traditional process of blowing air, saving a lot of power consumption, but also enhance the ammonia nitrogen removal rate.

Question 6: What causes high ammonia nitrogen Ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) mainly comes from bait (feed), aquatic animal excreta, fertilizers and animal carcasses decomposition. Ammonia nitrogen is the main waste nitrogen in the water body, in the pool water pH is high, ammonia nitrogen can return to the atmosphere, or in the form of nitrogen back to the atmosphere, but also partially consumed by aquatic plants, partially adsorbed by the substrate. Ammonia nitrogen is usually produced as a result of the decomposition of nitrogenous organic matter in times of insufficient oxygen, or as a result of the reduction of nitrogen compounds by denitrifying bacteria.

Question 7: Please ask the CEO's of wastewater treatment. Please ask the CEO's of sewage treatment. Please ask the CEO of domestic wastewater treatment ammonia nitrogen is high, what to be Ammonia nitrogen is nitrogen that exists in water in the form of free ammonia (NH3) and ammonium ions (NH4+). Biological method is to use the synergistic effect of various microorganisms, through the ammonia, nitrification, denitrification and a series of reactions to make the ammonia nitrogen in the wastewater is ultimately converted into nitrogen gas emissions so as to remove the ammonia nitrogen method, mainly including the traditional nitrification denitrification, short-range nitrification denitrification, synchronous nitrification denitrification and anaerobic ammonia oxidation and other processes. The high concentration of ammonia nitrogen has an inhibitory effect on the nitrification process, so the biological method is often used to treat domestic wastewater containing more organic matter but relatively low ammonia nitrogen concentration. Ammonia nitrogen in domestic wastewater treatment is removed through the nitrification process, high ammonia nitrogen in wastewater treatment effluent is caused by the nitrification process is not complete.

Corresponding treatment:

1, to solve the problem of insufficient charcoal source

2, to control the aerobic stage DO for 0.5 mg/L

Attachment: charcoal consumption and supplementation of the principle of work

Nitrification reaction process: under aerobic conditions, ammonia nitrogen is oxidized by the nitrifying bacteria to become nitrite and nitrate. He includes two basic reaction steps: the nitrite bacteria (Nitrosomonas sp) involved in the conversion of ammonia nitrogen into nitrite reaction; nitrate bacteria (Nitrobactersp) involved in the conversion of nitrite into nitrate reaction, nitrite bacteria and nitrate bacteria are chemo-energetic autotrophic bacteria, which use CO2, CO32-, HCO3- and so on as a carbon source, by the NH3, NH4+, or NO2- redox reaction to obtain energy. The nitrification process needs to be carried out under aerobic (Aerobic or Oxic) conditions, with oxygen as the electron acceptor and nitrogen as the electron donor. The corresponding reaction equation is: nitrosation reaction equation: 55NH4 + + 76O2 + 109HCO3 → C5H7O2N + 54NO2 - + 57H2O + 104H2CO3 nitrification reaction equation: 400NO2 - + 195O2 + NH4 - + 4H2CO3 + HCO3 - → C5H7O2N + 400NO3 - + 3H2O nitrification Process total reaction equation: NH4-+1.83O2+1.98HCO3→0.021C5H7O2N+0.98NO3-+1.04H2O+1.884H2CO3 Through the material accounting of the above reaction process, it can be seen that, in the process of nitrification reaction, oxidizing 1 gram of ammonia nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen requires 4.57 grams of oxygen (of which nitrosation requires 3.43 grams of oxygen consumption. Nitrification reaction consumes 1.14 grams of oxygen), while about 7.14 grams of bicarbonate (as CaCO3) alkalinity need to be consumed. During the nitrification reaction, the conversion of nitrogen undergoes the following processes:

Ammonia ion NH4-→hydroxylamine NH2OH→nitroyl NOH→nitrite NO2-→nitrate NO3-.

Question 8: How to remove ammonia nitrogen in sludge treatment sewage Your influent indicators are not given, what know where the problem is?

Maybe your ammonia nitrogen influent indicators up to more than 100, and the effluent to reach between 12-14, this removal rate has been very high, what you are not satisfied. And what about BOD?

You ask questions are not professional, we have what professional answer!