# include & ltreg 5 1 . h & gt;
#include\"AscLed.h\ "
# include & ltintrins.h & gt
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
# definesec (500/tk)/1second coefficient of the main program.
#define OffLed (Seck*5*60) // The time for automatic shutdown is 5 minutes!
#if (FHz==0)
# define NOP_2uS_nop_ ()
# Otherwise
# define NOP _ 2uS _ NOP _(); _nop_()
# Define SkipK 0xcc // Skip command
#define ConvertK 0x44 // conversion command
# define RdDs 18b20K 0xbe // read temperature command.
extern led out(void);
sbit pnp 1=p3^4;
sbit pnp2=p3^5;
sbit beep=p3^2;
# defined qp PNP 2// original pnp2 beep
Power of static unsigned character = 0;
labour union
Unsigned character temp [2]; //Single byte temperature
Unsigned int TT;; //2 byte temperature
} T;
Typedef structure {
Unsigned character symbol; //Positive number flag 0; 1== "negative number
Unsigned char Du Wen; //temperature integer
Unsigned int WenDuDot///fractional temperature amplification 10000.
} Du Wen;
Du Wen Du Wen;
Unsigned character ledbuf [3];
// -
//function: 10us class delay.
//n = 1 = = = & gt; 6Mhz= 14uS 12MHz=7uS
// -
Void Delay 10us (unsigned character n) (
Do {
#if (FHz== 1)
NOP _ 2uSNOP _ 2uS
} while(-n);
// -
//function: write 18B20.
// -
Void Write_ 18B20 (unsigned character n) (
Unsigned character I;
for(I = 0; I<8; i++){
DQ = 0;
delay 10 us( 1); //The delay is about 13us.
DQ = n & amp; 0x 0 1;
n = n & gt& gt 1;
delay 10us(5); //Delay exceeds 50us
DQ = 1;
// -
//function: read 18B20.
// -
Unsigned character read _18b20 (void) (
Unsigned character I;
Unsigned character temperature;
for(I = 0; I<8; i++){
temp = temp & gt& gt 1;
DQ = 0;
NOP _ 2uS// delay 1us
DQ = 1;
NOP _ 2uSNOP _ 2uS// delay 5us
If (DQ==0){
Temperature = Temperature & amp0x7F
} Otherwise {
temp = temp | 0x80
delay 10us(5); //delay 40us
DQ = 1;
Return temperature;
// -
void Init (void){
DQ = 0;
delay 10us(45); //Delay 500us
DQ = 1;
delay 10us(9); //Delay 90us
if(DQ){//000 1 1 1 1 1b = 1f
Power = 0; //Failed 0
} Otherwise {
DQ = 1;
// -
Invalid Skip (Invalid) {
write _ 18b 20(SkipK);
// -
Void transformation (void)
write _ 18b 20(ConvertK);
void Get_Ds 18b20L (void){
T.temp[ 1]= Read _ 18b 20(); //Read the low bit
void Get_Ds 18b20H (void){
T.temp[0]= Read _ 18b 20(); //Read the high bit
// -
//Normalized to floating point number
//sssss 1 1 1; 1 1 1 10000
//sssss 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1(0.5,0.25,0. 125,0.0625)
// -
void ReadTemp (void){
Unsigned character I;
Unsigned intf1= 0;
char j = 1;
Code int Code _ F[]= { 6250 125025005000 };
Du Wen. flag = 0;
if(T . Temp[0]& gt; 0x80){ // Negative temperature
T.TT = ~ TT Tyrannosaurus rex+1; //Invert+1= source+symbol s
Du Wen. flag =- 1;
T.Tt <& lt= 4; //Move 4 bits to the left
Du Wen. Du Wen = temperature temperature [0]; //temperature integer
T.Temp[ 1]>& gt=4;
// -
for(I = 0; I<4; I++){ // Calculate the number of decimal places
f 1+=(T . Temp[ 1]& amp; 0x 0 1)* Code _ F;
T.Temp[ 1]>& gt= 1;
Du Wen. wendu dot = f 1; //Decimal of temperature
Power = 0;
// -
void Delay 1S (void){
Static unsigned int I = 0;;
if(++I = = Seck){ I = 0 ower++; }
// -
void ReadDo (void){
write _ 18 b20(rdds 18 b20k);
Function pointer definition
code void (code *SubTemp[])()={
Init,Skip,Convert,Delay 1S,Init,Skip,ReadDo,Get_Ds 18b20L,
Get_Ds 18b20H, reading temperature
void GetTemp(void){
(* SubTemp[Power])();
// -
//Display temperature, with decimal point enlarged 10000.
void GetBcd(void){
Led buf[0]= Du Wen. Du Wen/10;
Led buf[ 1]= Du Wen. Du Wen%10+dotk;
LedBuf[2]= (Du Wen. wendu dot/ 1000)% 10;
if(led buf[0]= = 0)led buf[0]= Black;
If (Du Wen. Flag==0) returns;
if(LedBuf[0]! = black) (
led buf[2]= led buf[ 1];
led buf[ 1]= led buf[0];
Led buf[0]= Led _ Pol; //'-'
} Otherwise {
Led buf[0]= Led _ Pol; //'-'
// -
void JbDelay (void){
Quietly grow me;
If (+++i>;; = off) {
p 1 = 0x ff;
P2 = 0x ff;
PCON = 0x 02;
Main program start
1:2002 _10 _1designed and measured by DS 18B20.
2: read DS 18B20. LED with functional array. The LED digital tube shows normal!
3: FHz can work at 6 12 MHz!
code unsigned char Stop[3]_ at _ 0x3b;
Invalid primary (invalid) {
p 1 = 0x ff;
Du Wen. Du Wen = 0;
while ( 1){
get BCD();
//JB delay();
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