Cover theme: the era of intelligent manufacturing, the traditional IT operations and maintenance how to change

Currently, the global manufacturing industry is entering a new phase characterized by intelligence and information technology. 2013 Germany put forward the concept of "Industry 4.0", the core of which is "Internet + Manufacturing", i.e., smart factories, smart production and smart logistics. The three themes are aimed at improving the intelligent level of manufacturing. As the world's factory, China is also looking for ways to upgrade, put forward the "Made in China 2025", that is, in the new industrial transformation change, will realize the integration of physical and virtual network world, the future of the manufacturing industry will be more intelligent and sustainable development.

"Made in China 2025" and Germany's "Industry 4.0" are important strategic initiatives for the manufacturing industry in the context of the new scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, there are many differences, but " There are a lot of differences, but " the same way ", the core is pointing to " intelligent manufacturing ". However, whether it is Germany's Industry 4.0, or Made in China 2025, behind the need for a strong IT support system or IT infrastructure. If Industry 4.0 or Made in China 2025 is compared to a high-speed sailing Titanic, then we need a set of tight support system to support the ship, otherwise the ship once out of control, disaster will come, such as the rear-end collision of a moving car, in fact, it is precisely the construction of heavy, light operation and maintenance and bring the bitter fruits of a small system miscalculation, which led to the car was destroyed and people died. Therefore, we have to fully consider the "intelligent manufacturing" behind the IT security, such as: stable operation of equipment information? Accuracy of data acquisition? Safety guarantee? The efficiency of the process? ......

In the traditional IT operation and maintenance organization, we can see that the separation between each other's affairs is very obvious, for example, equipment, network, server room, monitoring and quality improvement, etc. are completed in different teams, and work independently of each other. Driven by Agile and Lean O&M, it is necessary to require an integrated platform to debug these transaction flows, otherwise it is impossible to improve the efficiency and quality of the execution of transactions, and truly turn the O&M function into a delivery service model. At the same time, the increase in IT resources makes the work of IT operators more and more complex, increasing the difficulty and intensity of work for operators, but also bringing a lot of power consumption and labor maintenance costs. At the same time, some risks and failures are more after the fact to put out the fire and can not be predicted in advance, once the problem occurs, like firefighters to set up a temporary combat headquarters, low efficiency, and will bring unimaginable losses to the enterprise. The traditional IT operation and maintenance has been unable to meet the needs of the current rapid economic development.

In the era of intelligent manufacturing, we need to establish an automated large operation and maintenance platform, making the operation and maintenance behavior into the vertical and intelligent manufacturing horizontal integration of the whole life cycle activities, coordination of technology, logistics, business, equipment, operation and quality assurance and other departments of the teamwork; design a unified configuration management database; the use of RFID, cloud computing, big data and visualization and other technologies, to achieve the smart manufacturing The collection, transmission, storage, analysis and visualization of operation and maintenance data, the realization of continuous online monitoring of machines, equipment and systems, the realization of automation, location, data and visualization of operation and maintenance activities for cross-system, cross-organizational and cross-geographical systems, to ensure a balance between quality, efficiency and cost. So, what are the characteristics that O&M needs to fulfill in the era of smart manufacturing?

1. Integrated large operation and maintenance automation management platform, including not only the monitoring of IT infrastructure, virtual resources and a variety of business systems, while real-time capture of business, server room management, virtual environment, equipment management and other data, through the big data analysis prediction management and security operation and maintenance management subsystems, and the ability to migrate operation and maintenance management data to a cell phone or a tablet PC, you can grasp the operation of equipment and systems at any time and any place. Equipment and system operation, for sudden events and emergencies have extremely efficient and excellent support, so as to realize the mobile operation and maintenance management

2. The new generation of IT operation and maintenance to data as the core, first of all to meet the changes in the big data, so as to provide a strong foundation for the data operation and maintenance support. Establishment of operation and maintenance management big data: the massive amount of operation and maintenance data for analysis and organization, through the analysis of data can effectively access the user or system behavior patterns, so as to analyze their potential needs and risks. When problems arise not only to help managers find the cause and solve the problem, at the same time, in the modernization of operation and maintenance, but also through the analysis of data to do to predict or prevent the problem, so that after solving the problem will not happen, or encounter the same problem again, we will not panic, just like the weather forecast, prevention is better than cure.

3. The ability to automate problem solving is mainly reflected in several aspects: first, the need to be able to automate the discovery of our IT infrastructure and facilities; second, the need to have the ability to automatically repair, for example, when encountered when the system is down or other problems, without manual intervention, the system is repaired through an automatic reboot or other means. At the same time, the modernized integrated operation and maintenance must be linked to the business associated, when problems arise, can automatically according to the importance of the business, the problem will be divided into three, six, nine, etc., and then organized and clear to solve, that is, the operation and maintenance will be fully integrated into the business.

4. The use of virtual resources to establish a ready to "full blood resurrection" of the information technology system, to ensure that a system error can be quickly recovered or switched, or platforms and resources for flexible configuration.

In the era of intelligent manufacturing, IT operation and maintenance needs to emphasize the establishment of integrated operation and maintenance management ideas, so that fragmented operation and maintenance work is more linked, while using a more open mode of thinking, the application of big data and automation into the information technology operation and maintenance management work, so as to adapt to the age of the Internet and the era of intelligent manufacturing flexible business needs.