A short English essay on the benefits of medical imaging

Medical imaging refers to medical or medical research, a part of the human body or human, to obtain a non-invasive imaging technology and the internal organization of the process, a kind of inverse problem is the inference calculus, which causes (the characteristics of living tissue) is From the results (As a science, medical imaging, a biological image, and includes diagnostic radiology, radiology, endoscopy, medical thermal imaging technology, and the internal organization of the process. As a science, medical imaging, a biological image, and includes diagnostic radiology, radiology, endoscopy, medical thermal imaging technology, medical photography and microscopy. In addition, including EEG and brain magnetic imaging techniques In addition, including EEG and brain magnetic imaging techniques , although the focus is to measure and record, no images were significant, but the data generated by both a positioning characteristics (ie containing Clinical applications, also known as medical imaging or medical imaging, some hospitals will be equipped with imaging medical imaging systems. Clinical applications, also known as medical imaging or medical imaging, some hospitals will be equipped with imaging Medical Center, Department of Medical Imaging or Radiology provision of the relevant equipment, and the preparation of a dedicated nurse, radiology and medical imaging equipment. preparation of a dedicated nurse, radiology technicians and physicians, responsible for equipment operation, image interpretation and diagnosis (by The Department of Medical Imaging or Radiology provision of the relevant equipment and the preparation of a dedicated nurse, radiology technicians and physicians, responsible for equipment operation, image interpretation and diagnosis (by physicians in charge of Taiwan), which is responsible for radiation therapy Radiology different. In medicine, medical engineering, medical physics, and biomedical informatics, the medical imaging research usually refers to image composition, capture and storage technology, and equipment research and development of science. The study how to interpret and explain medical imaging and diagnostic radiology are medicine, or other medical fields (such as the nervous system, discipline, discipline, and medicine). The study how to interpret and explain medical imaging and diagnostic radiology are medicine, or other medical fields (such as the nervous system, discipline, discipline of cardiovascular disease ...) Secondary science.