Wiring copper row Zero row and ground row how to distinguish?

Ground row and the metal shell of the power distribution cabinet is straight through, is fixed directly on the metal frame of the power distribution cabinet. There is a yellow and green two-color ground wire on it, or a flexible metal tape connected to it.

The most obvious difference between the zero row and the ground row is that the zero row is not directly fixed in the frame of the cabinet, but through the insulated Bakelite mat fixed, it is not directly connected to the cabinet metal casing, and it is generally connected to the top of the blue wire (zero wire).

The ground row is connected to the protective wire, the connected wire is yellow and green, it is zero potential between it and the ground, usually do not have to be insulated with the distribution box.

Expanded Information:

Applications of rows of wires evaluated:

The applications of rows of wires are increasing dramatically . General Manager PING said, "When you pick up almost any appliance today, you'll find a cable in it. Open up a 35mm camera and there are nine to 14 different wires in it because cameras are getting smaller and more functional.

The only way to reduce size is with smaller components, finer lines, tighter pitch, and objects that are bendable. Pacemakers, medical devices, video cameras, hearing aids, portable computers -- almost everything we use today has a row of wires inside."

The life of a cable is typically 8,000 to 10,000 cycles, or about two years if you open and close it an average of 10 times a day.

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