Full femtosecond SMILE laser myopia surgery is a minimally invasive corneal refractive surgery for myopia using the German full femtosecond laser. It utilizes the feature that femtosecond laser can focus precisely in the ultra-micro space to make a uniform, smooth and perfect stromal lens in the corneal stroma layer in accordance with the data of the patient's preoperative examination, and then removes the made corneal stromal lens from this tiny incision after making a 2mm incision through the laser. Full femtosecond surgery does not require the creation of a corneal flap, the surgical incision is tiny, and the probability of postoperative regression of vision is small. A drop of surface anesthetic is administered during the surgery, so there is no pain during the procedure.
To learn more about full femtosecond, we recommend consulting Guangzhou Sigma Eye. Guangzhou Sigma Eye is based on the provision of refractive orthopedic high-end lean medical services and diversified diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents eye health, with comprehensive optometry, imported full femtosecond equipment and other international equipment, ad hoc eye health science and education base, but also the introduction of professional ophthalmology digital diagnostic and treatment system, to create ophthalmology transparent operating room, to provide personalized visual diagnostic and treatment programs.