Humidifier radiation humidifier purchase and cleaning skills

Winter is a relatively dry season, so many people will be indoors to put a humidifier, but many people are also worried that the humidifier has radiation, worried about the impact on health, then humidifier radiation , in the purchase of how to buy, how to use should be cleaned, then look at me to share for everyone!

First, the humidifier radiation

1, humidifier radiation , in our daily life, exposure to radiation is mostly electromagnetic radiation, and in terms of home appliances, the human body has an impact on the magnetic radiation, then the existence of humidifiers radiation, in fact, exists, but the size of the radiation produced by different brands of humidifiers is also is not the same.

2, the market can be divided into three categories of humidifiers, respectively, ultrasonic humidifier, direct evaporative humidifier and thermal evaporative humidifier three kinds of humidifiers, these three humidifiers, radiation wavelength should be the largest ultrasonic humidifier. Having said that, some people are worried about the radiation of the humidifier, do not dare to use, in fact, the radiation of the humidifier is negligible, the body will not have much impact, so users can rest assured that the use.

Second, how to choose a humidifier

1, look at the indoor area

General 20 square meters of the bedroom can be used in the humidifier in the 270ML / H above, and the area of 40 to 50 square meters of the bedroom you can choose to humidify the amount of 540ML / H of the product, so that it can be effective in maintaining the humidity of the space.

2, look at the brand

The price of humidifiers is not very expensive, so the choice of what brand becomes more important, so at least in the quality can be guaranteed, and the service life will be longer, after-sales service will be more perfect.

3, look at the use of the crowd

There are three types of humidifiers, respectively, electric humidifier, ultrasonic humidifier and pure humidifier three. These types of humidifiers have different requirements for the environment and indoor area, so people can choose according to their needs when buying.

Third, the humidifier cleaning skills

Cleaning humidifier, you need to disconnect the power supply, and then the humidifier will be broken down, in the humidifier sink to add detergent, according to the size of the humidifier, the introduction of the release of the detergent, wipe with warm water, so that you can effectively clean the humidifier, but also to protect the humidifier from damage.

Summary: In the life of the electrically charged appliances, there is some radiation, and the wavelength of the radiation wave to determine the harm of radiation, and the humidifier radiation wave is smaller, the harm to the human body is also smaller, so it will not affect the user's use. The above on humidifier radiation and humidifier purchase and cleaning skills of the first content, I hope to help you.