What do I do when I run out of New Crown self-test kits?
Again, divided into groups of people.
1, isolation of the observer
The test results, regardless of negative or positive, all the use of sampling swabs, sampling tubes, test cards, etc. into a sealed bag, by the management personnel with reference to medical waste or according to the procedures.
2, community residents
Negative test results: after the use of all the nasal swabs, sampling tubes, test cards, etc. into a sealed bag as general waste disposal.
Positive test results: in the transfer of personnel together with the medical institutions in accordance with the treatment of medical waste.
Does the new crown self-test kit have a shelf life
There is a shelf life.
Almost every product has a shelf life, even if the new crown self-test kit belongs to the new crown virus detection tool, does not belong to the food there will be a certain shelf life, the difference is that the shelf life of the new crown self-test kit is a little longer than the shelf life of ordinary food.
If the shelf life is exceeded, the test results are generally invalid. For this reason, it is recommended that if you need to determine whether or not you are infected with the NeoCrown virus through a NeoCrown self-test kit, you should go to a drugstore and purchase a NeoCrown self-test kit that is within its shelf life and is of good quality, so that you can accurately determine whether or not you are infected with NeoCrown at an early stage.
Does the new crown self-test kit expire
It usually expires after a long time.
The New Crown Self-Test Kit will expire, so be sure to use it within the expiration date.
In general, the pregnancy test stick is not expired, but there is a period of time refers to, if the value of the period of time, then the results will be relatively inaccurate, it is best to re-buy the new crown self-test box to test.
Because in the use of the new crown self-test kit, if more than the use of the period of time, may lead to the occurrence of inaccurate results, but also affect their own diagnosis, so in order to avoid the emergence of this situation, in the examination of whether the infection of the new crown virus, it is best to go to the local regular hospitals to do nucleic acid test. In addition, during the test also have to do their own protection work.