What is Deep Pulse Fraction?

Deep Pulse Fraction is the world's first product to use deep learning technology to assess the physiological function of coronary arteries. Traditional coronary artery disease diagnosis requires coronary angiography, which is labor-intensive and costly, and also causes some harm to the patient (the surgery leaves a wound, allergy to the contrast solution can cause discomfort, etc.). Deep Vein Fraction, on the other hand, is a non-invasive FFR analysis using coronary computed tomography angiography images, which can quickly assess whether coronary artery stenosis will lead to myocardial ischemia, thus realizing a non-invasive diagnosis of coronary heart disease.

As of April last year, Deep Pulse Fraction had already received the Class III certificate for artificial intelligence medical devices from China's NMPA, the European Union's CE mark, and the U.S. FDA's certification. And I've read reports before that Deep Pulse Fraction's testing accuracy is very high, and the results are highly consistent with the results of invasive testing methods, just that not too many people know about it now and it hasn't been widely promoted yet, so I feel like there's going to be a big market for it afterward.