What are the ways to treat sciatica in Tianjin

It is assumed that the doctors in the hospital have already introduced you to the fact that the cause of sciatica does not lie in the place where the pain is in the leg but originates from the injury or wear and tear of the lumbar vertebrae. Its cause is due to long-term improper sitting posture or some external conflict, resulting in lumbar spine joints in the fibrous ring cartilage damage, displacement, loosening, resulting in the nucleus pulposus of the spinal cord protruded, stimulating the central nerve or cauda equina nerve through which caused pain, serious cause sciatica, involving the buttocks legs and even feet cause pain and soreness. Therefore, the sciatica lesion lies in the lumbar vertebrae on the cartilage of the fibrous ring.

Now, the hospital for sciatica drugs or injections, basically to stop the pain, the problem is that the pain stops for a while, and will recur, and may be more than once extended to the calf foot, more serious. And cupping, electrotherapy, massage and other methods belong to the physical therapy techniques, the basic role in the muscle part, can temporarily relieve discomfort, but for the injury of the lumbar joints inside the basic effect. As for the society, a lot of "bias" "ancestral secret recipe" and so on, many of them are not true, I hope you are careful.

It is in view of the limitations of traditional treatment, from the 80's to now, the United States, Japan, Europe and other developed countries around the world began to prevail in the use of pure natural serrata cartilage powder for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation and sciatica, and achieved the regeneration of articular cartilage clinically verified. In some European countries, the extract of pure natural Serratia marcescens cartilage powder has been recognized as a medicine, and in Japan, a company has been selected to provide it for clinical use. In addition to the efficacy of inhibiting, improving and even curing the sciatic nerve, the more valuable thing is that it has no side effects and no drug dependence, so it is used as a substitute for medical treatment in developed countries, and has been widely used in the clinic. It is not like drugs that the more you eat, the less effective, or produce drug dependence. On the contrary, it is more and more obvious with the accumulation of the body, and no side effects, in China is also rapidly popularized, the disadvantage may be expensive, you can check, and then according to their own degree of illness and economic conditions to determine the dosage, I believe that after a period of time should be able to be cured.

Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery!