2. The principle of isotonic water loss is to give isotonic solution, such as 0.9% sodium chloride injection or compound sodium chloride injection, but the chlorine concentration of the above solution is obviously higher than that of plasma, which can cause hyperchloremia if used alone in large quantities, so 0.9% sodium chloride injection can be mixed with 1.25% sodium bicarbonate or1.86% (1/. The chlorine concentration of the latter is 107mmol/L, which can correct metabolic acidosis. The supplement can be calculated according to the body weight or hematocrit as a reference. ① According to body weight: fluid replacement (L)= (weight loss (kg) ×142)/154; ② Calculated by hematocrit: fluid replacement (L)= (actual hematocrit-normal hematocrit× body weight (kg)×0.2)/ normal hematocrit. Normal hematocrit is 48% in men and 42% in women. Sodium chloride injection
3. Hypoosmotic dehydration When hypoosmotic dehydration is serious, the solute in brain cells decreases to maintain the cell volume. If the treatment makes the sodium concentration and osmotic concentration of plasma and extracellular fluid increase rapidly, it can cause brain cell damage. It is generally believed that when the blood sodium is lower than 1.20 mmol/L, the treatment will increase the blood sodium at a rate of 0.5mmol/L per hour, exceeding the supplement of 1.5 mmol/L per hour. When the blood sodium is lower than 1.20 mmol/L or central nervous system symptoms appear, 3%-5% sodium chloride injection can be given to relieve the drip. Generally, it is necessary to raise the blood sodium concentration above 1.20 mmol/L within 6 hours. Sodium supplement amount (mmol/L)=[ 142- actual blood sodium concentration (mmol/L)]× body weight (kg)×0.2. When the blood sodium rises above 120- 125mmol/L, isotonic solution or hypertonic glucose injection or 10% sodium chloride injection can be added to the isotonic solution as appropriate.
4. Low chlor-alkali poisoning was given 0.9% sodium chloride injection or compound sodium chloride injection (Ringer's solution) 500- 1000ml, and then the dosage was determined according to the alkali poisoning situation.
5. For external use, wash the wound and eyes with physiological sodium chloride solution.