Filtered water is still nutritious

Question 1: water purifier filtered water and nutrients There is no effect, the water purifier can not filter minerals, minerals are very small molecules. So there is no effect on nutrition

Question 2: Now the water purifier purified water and nutrition? Hello, most of the water purifiers purified water is not nutritious.

The main function of the water purifier is filtration

1, purification: can effectively filter out the water sediment, rust, heavy metals and residual chlorine, etc., and at the same time to remove the water color, odor, bacteria, viruses, etc., can be achieved directly drinking.

After the ordinary water purifier after the purification of water, only water, some necessary minerals and trace elements will be removed together, so there will be no nutrition.

Some high-grade water purifier with some additional features, this is not the original water nutrition, can be said to be added to the water purifier, this type of water will be with some of the nutrients

1, mineralization: so that the water contains a variety of minerals and trace elements required by the human body, to maintain the nutritional balance of the body.

2, magnetization: the small molecule group of water more stable, orderly arrangement and information memory function, increase a large number of oxygen can be absorbed by the body.

3, activation: can change the structure of water molecules, so that large molecules of water into hexagonal small molecules of water, also known as cellular water, can quickly interact with the cell interior and its surrounding molecular groups, nutrients into the cell interior, and toxic substances out of the belt. Increase the oxygen content by 2.7 times, which can inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms and has a very good antibacterial effect. With ultra-low oxidation/reduction potential (-150mv - 350mv), it effectively eliminates free radicals in the body and slows down human aging.

4. Weak Alkalization: Regulate the PH value of water, making it weakly alkaline, balancing the pH of the body's cellular fluids and improving human health. (According to the survey, 70% of the diseases occur in the acidic body, and 85% of gout, hypertension, cancer, high blood cholesterol patients, are acidic body. Therefore, medical experts put forward the acidification of the human body is "the source of all diseases").

Question three: water purifier filtered water has nutritional value? No nutrition, filtered water is pure water.

Problem four: water purifier filtered water in the end there is no nutrition Water purifier filtered water is pure water, there is no impurities, and how to come to the nutrition? The water is not a good choice, but it is a good idea to drink some mineral water to supplement the micronutrients.

Question 5: Will the water purifier filter out the beneficial substances in the water? Usually the use of water purification equipment is very simple, only one end of the water purifier and faucet connected, unscrew the faucet, tap water will flow through the water purifier, tap water inside the impurities, bacteria and other substances will be purified, filtered out. From the other end of the water purifier out of the direct drinking water can be drunk directly.

A member of the public who is shopping for a water purifier at a home appliance store said that his family had been using traditional bucket water dispensers. The original family of three people a month to drink five or six barrels of pure water, the cost of sixty or seventy dollars or so. The cost of drinking water in a year is about seven to eight hundred dollars. Therefore, the public believe that it is better to buy a water purifier can be realized directly to cost-effective: and buy a water purifier, not only can drink, but also can be used for cooking, cooking, etc., can be said to be a multi-purpose.

The reporter in some department stores and home appliance stores that the current market in Dongguan water purifier products price varies greatly, from six or seven hundred dollars to more than two thousand dollars of products are available.

A promoter revealed to the reporter, in fact, the cost of this water purifier, in addition to the cost of purchasing the machine, plus the cost of using a period of time to replace the filter. But compared with the traditional water dispenser, due to save the money to buy barrels of pure water, the overall calculation or filtered water purifier is more cost-effective. This is precisely the reason why this kind of water dispenser is getting more and more attention from the public.

Survey: water purifiers are a dazzling array of names

The reporter learned from a promoter that the main difference between water purifiers lies in the different materials used for filtration and the number of layers of filtration. Generally speaking, three layers of filtered drinking water can meet the needs of cooking and soup, but do not recommend drinking directly. To achieve the effect of direct drinking water, it is best to choose the number of layers of filtration in four to five layers. This filtering effect is more secure and reliable.

The promoter recommended to the reporter a reverse osmosis technology water purifier. According to the promoter, reverse osmosis filtration technology is currently one of the strongest filtration effect of filtration, the water purifier uses a five-stage filtration system, not only can filter out the suspended solids in the water, heavy metals and other impurities, but also filter out the soluble solids in the water, viruses, bacteria, etc., to achieve a very thorough filtration effect.

But in another store, a promoter said to the reporter, the filtering effect is too good water purifier will not recommend the use of, because the filtering is too thorough, the water contains some of the nutrients beneficial to the human body filtered out. She turned to the reporter to recommend another brand of a water purifier.

According to its introduction, this water purifier only three filtration effect, in the filtering out of harmful substances in the water at the same time, retaining the water on the human body beneficial minerals.

Some industry insiders also said that at present can achieve the effect of direct drinking water purifier products market is relatively confusing. Product name, the various manufacturers called different, some called can achieve the effect of drinking water purifier, some called drinking machine, some called filter water purifier, so that consumers have a dazzling feeling, but also to a certain extent reduces the degree of trust of consumers on these products.

Merchants: the popularity of direct drinking water purifier is the future trend

Many water purifier merchants have said, can achieve the effect of direct drinking water purifier is the future development trend of the water dispenser market, which through a variety of cartridges, filtration membranes, activated carbon and other filtration equipment, coupled with the ozone sterilization, ultraviolet sterilization and other sterilization methods, can effectively filter out the harmful substances in the city tap water, is very suitable for human consumption. It is very suitable for human consumption.

In this regard, some shopping mall sales staff told reporters that, at present, in South Korea, the United States, Japan and other developed countries, can achieve the effect of direct drinking water purifier has occupied the vast majority of the market share, the market share reached more than 70%. In China, although you can achieve the effect of direct drinking water purifier market has not really matured, but the future potential space for development is very large, and will soon be possible to popularize.

Consumers: can water from a water purifier really be drunk straight?

But consumers are more concerned about the real effect of the water purifier. Citizen Mr. Zhang said, to buy a mid-range water purifier, the price is also more than a thousand dollars, which is also a considerable expenditure. But the average consumer is still the most difficult to explore the filtering effect of these water purifiers can really achieve the effect of direct drinking, with its treatment of water to meet the drinking standards.

The reporter learned that the Ministry of Health issued by the "reverse osmosis drinking water treatment device health and safety and functional evaluation of the provisions of" in 1998 has begun to implement. The provisions of the reverse osmosis drinking water treatment device purification and treatment efficiency and water quality requirements, applicable to municipal tap water as a source of reverse osmosis drinking water treatment ...... >>

Question 6: What is the difference between drinking filtered water and tap water in terms of nutrition? Filtered water depends on what type, if it is pure water that does not have any nutrition.

Other filtration is basically filtering harmful substances, nutrition is not lost.

Tap water is basically a filtered water that needs to be treated before drinking.

Question 7: I heard people say that drinking water from a water purifier is not good, the water purifier filters all the nutrients in the water, and it is not healthy to drink it? Hello! We drink water from the water purifier is for health. You are wrong to say that drinking water for nutrition. A glass of milk has the same nutrition as 6 tons of water. All the nutrients our body needs are obtained from our meals. Drinking water is just for metabolism. Replenish water.

Question eight: pure water filter filtered water is not nutritious No. The water is not nutritious but minerals! The water is not nutrients but minerals, ultra-filtration machine is to filter sand and other large substances, minerals are still there, but RO reverse osmosis filter out of the pure water, what does not contain.

Question nine: filtered water and nutrition LZ, water purifier filtered water is mineral. Just calcium, magnesium and other elements will be less. If you are in the area of the water mineral content is small, it is best not to use, but if the water mineral content is more areas (such as Zhejiang), boldly use it. In addition, if the water purifier is four-stage filtration and below, the filtered water is not directly drinkable! There will be a lot of bacteria and heavy metals that are hazardous to your health, and your mouth will be unclean and prone to ulcers. Since LZ can eat a certain amount of vegetables and fruits every day, then the vitamin tablets do not need to eat, too much supplement is not beneficial to the body. In addition to recommend LZ try Yunnan Baiyao toothpaste, very good for ulcers! In addition now is the turn of fall and winter, very dry, drink more water, will be good for the treatment of ulcers.