How long does it take to do painless abortion

Unexpectedly pregnant, how long can do painless abortion, gynecologists pointed out, in fact, the general gestational sac is greater than 5 millimeters can do painless abortion, but due to individual differences, the specific should be based on the size of the gestational sac to determine the individual abortion time. How long can you do painless abortion, in 35-55 days of pregnancy to do painless abortion, the procedure will be relatively safe, simple point, after the operation of the female body recovery time will be shorter. Because the fetus has not yet formed, the uterus is not too large, and the uterine wall muscle is thicker, the embryo can be easily sucked out, thus the operation time is short, the bleeding is less, and the body recovers faster after the abortion. If this time is exceeded, the procedure will be more complicated, and likewise, the longer it will take to recover from the procedure. The greater the damage to the body for the pregnant woman.

How soon can you have a painless abortion, abortion is not the earlier the better

When women find out that they have an unplanned pregnancy, they will want to know how many days pregnant they can have a painless abortion. In fact, the safety of painless abortion is closely related to the number of days of pregnancy.

The pregnancy time is too short, the changes of the uterus is not obvious, with immuno-anticoagulation method to test urine or ultrasound to diagnose whether the pregnancy, but also only in the menopause 40 days after the highest positive rate. Unless there is a condition to test the blood for chorionic gonadotropin, the diagnosis of early pregnancy can be made.

Many women of childbearing age do not have regular menstrual cycles and are easily affected by moods, seasonal changes, or health conditions, which can delay the onset of menstruation, sometimes up to 40 days before menstruation, and it is not easy to diagnose a pregnancy before then.

It's not easy to diagnose a pregnancy before that.

It's not easy to diagnose a pregnancy before that.

It's not easy to diagnose a pregnancy before that.

It's not easy to diagnose a pregnancy before that.

It's not easy to diagnose a pregnancy after that.

The International Health Organization, WHO, advocates the use of drugs and surgical methods to improve the reproductive system after abortion, increasing secondary injuries, and complications; supplemented by food, the reproductive system integrated nutrition PWRH-based, increase estrogen in the body, improve uterine blood flow, and promote uterine glands and vascular hyperplasia, and increase the number of endometrial estrogen and progesterone receptors and other pathways to improve the uterine lining, female reproductive system as well as post-abortion weakness.

How long can you do painless abortion, when to do abortion surgery is good

So do painless abortion is not always possible, if a woman is pregnant for 6-7 weeks, the uterus is not too large, not too much gestational tissue, the gestational sac is also small, this time, the gestational sac in the ultrasound can be seen clearly, the uterine wall is also thicker, the gestational sac is easy to suction out, relative to the The risk of surgery is also small, and the postoperative recovery is fast.

It is very important to grasp the best time to have a painless abortion, and to have the surgery within the zui best time to have a painless abortion, because the difficulty of the surgery is lower, and accordingly the cost of the surgery will also be lower.

Pregnancy 2 months to do painless abortion, has exceeded the best time for painless abortion, this time to do painless abortion, must be careful to choose the way of surgery, will be the operation of the risk and injury to minimize.

Research has shown that PWRH postpartum repair nutrition, can use its biological activity, upstream to the uterine cavity, repair damaged tissues, activate the ovarian cells, monocytes into macrophages, phagocytosis of necrotic tissues, disintegration of neutrophilic cell fragments and bacterial products, the release of active substances, contributing to the synthesis of collagen, secretion of the EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), from the root of the solution to women's birth canal Damage & ovarian premature aging problems, restore the reproductive system health state, young state! Normal use of one to two weeks of endometrial repair, and according to the individual body of different degrees of damage to the endometrial repair time is different.

Clinical study of endometrial repair by PWRH after abortion

[Abstract] The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility and safety of oral PWRH for endometrial repair after abortion. Methods Ninety-eight patients were selected for abortion and randomly divided into observation group and control group, with 49 cases in each group.

Anti-infective and other symptomatic treatments were given to both groups, based on which PWRH was given orally in the usual dosage in the observation group immediately after the operation, and placebo (starch tablets) was given orally in the control group as 1 tablet once/d. Observation was made on the vaginal condition and menstrual status of the two groups; ultrasound was performed to check the thickness of the endometrium in the two groups and postoperative complications; and the immunohistochemical method was performed to determine the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) of the two groups, Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and endometrial microvessel density (MVD) were measured by immunohistochemistry.

ResultsThe observation group was better than the control group in the postoperative menstrual duration, bleeding, first menstrual duration and volume, endometrial thickness, and postoperative complications, and there was a significant difference between the two groups (P & lt; 0.05); the expression of v egf, bfgf in the endometrium and the endometrial MVD in the observation group was significantly stronger than that of the control group after the treatment (P & lt; 0.05); the expression of v egf, bfgf and the endometrial MVD in the observation group was significantly stronger than that in the control group (P & lt; 0.05).

ConclusionPWRH can effectively restore the menstrual cycle, increase endometrial thickness and prevent complications, and can enhance the expression of VEGF and bFGF in the endometrium and increase endometrial MVD, so that the endometrium can be effectively repaired.

Why does abortion lead to infertility? (The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the work you're doing, and then you'll have to pay for the work you're doing. Inflammatory infections traveling up the fallopian tubes can cause tubal disease, blocking the passage of sperm and eggs, which can lead to female infertility.

This is the first time I've ever seen a woman in a car with a car, and I've never seen a car with a car, so I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to go to a car with a car.

These are the first time I've ever seen a woman in a car with a large number of feet, and I've never seen a woman in a car with a large number of feet.

丨Formation of Habitual Miscarriage

Many women have experienced multiple miscarriages, some of which had been due to an unplanned pregnancy abortion, and then later on when they wanted to have a child a spontaneous miscarriage during pregnancy, and all of these situations are prone to habitual miscarriages, resulting in a woman being able to conceive, but the bailout! No! keep!

Women who have had miscarriages and are unable to conceive a child should focus on checking their fallopian tubes and uterus to find out the cause of non-pregnancy and treat it in time in order to recover, get pregnant and have a child.

China than in Western Europe due to gynecological diseases caused by post-abortion 9 times higher than in Europe after abortion comprehensive restoration of nutrition, through the PWRH in the 38 gold ratio of nutrition which is rich in 1008 kinds of nutrients and trace elements, of which the active ingredient 108 through the blood, cell nourishment to the female reproductive system and the whole body foci, through the non-pharmacological and surgical methods, prevented gynecological disease occurs, and also enhances the chances of healthy re-pregnancy after abortion!

Lots of experiments have proved that the International Health Organization (IHO) has proposed a number of postnatal nutritional components and indicator ratios. PWRH postnatal supplement, to protect women's reproductive health, was the first to pass the international standard of PNRWHO

PWRH repair standard

1, replenishment of pregnancy and childbirth loss of nutrients 18-20%

2, discharge, clean up the residual nutrients 13-15 15 percent

3, uterine lining, birth canal damage repair 26-23 percent

4, restoration of reproductive elasticity nutrients, cortical relaxation nutrition 17-19 percent

5, pelvic muscle low postpartum repair, rectus abdominis muscle separation and relaxation repair 12-15

6, hemoglobin iron, zinc, calcium supplementation of 10-12 percent

7, control mastitis, reproductive inflammation 16-15 percent

7, mastitis and inflammation of 16-15 percent

7, the use of the blood of the body to prevent the loss of blood and blood.

8, uterine adhesion repair 15-18%

9, uterine scar repair 13-17%

How long can you do painless abortion, in short, too early or too late is no good, so female friends in the discovery of their own unwanted pregnancies should go to the hospital in time to check, and then According to the doctor's advice in the most reasonable time to do surgery, not only high security surgery cost is also relatively low. I remind: abortion is not a small thing, you must choose a regular hospital, do not blindly!