What do hospital radiography dx and dr mean respectively, and what is the difference between the two?

DR is digital radiography, that is, digital filming. the images of the patient after DR filming need to be sent out through the network, such as diagnostic platforms, equipment for printing film. The medical network transmission protocol is called DICOM.

DX is a mode of DICOM transmission image mode, in the mode (modality) there are DX CR RF XA and so on, in which DX corresponds to the image of the DR, the image of the DX mode not only contains the image of the grayscale and other information, such as the patient's name, age, etc., but also includes the position information (for example, the patient stood positive or left side), and the patient is not only the patient's name, age, etc., but also the patient's position. The image taken by CR mode is CR, which does not contain positional information, of course, if you don't want positional information in the image taken by DR, you can also simplify it to CR mode to transmit the image.

The difference between DX and DR is that DX serves DR, DR is the signal, and DX is the mode.

DR refers to a new technology of direct digital radiography under the control of a computer, i.e., the amorphous silicon flat panel detector is used to convert the X-ray information penetrating the human body into digital signals, and the computer reconstructs the images and carries out a series of image post-processing.DR system mainly includes X-ray generating devices, direct conversion flat panel detectors, system controllers, image monitors, and image processing workstations, etc. It consists of several parts. DR adopts digital technology, so it can carry out various image post-processing according to clinical needs, such as automatic image processing technology, edge enhancement technology, zoom roaming, image splicing, interest area window width window position adjustment, as well as distance, area, density measurement and other rich functions. In addition, due to the wide dynamic range of DR technology, X-ray quantum detection efficiency (DQE), with a wide exposure tolerance, even if the exposure conditions are slightly poor, you can also get a very good image.The emergence of DR breaks the concept of the traditional X-ray image, realizing the dream of people from the analog X-ray image to the digital transformation of X-ray images, and CR (Computer Radiography) system has greater superiority. The system has greater superiority than CR (Computer Radiography).

Baidu Encyclopedia-DR