"Information about Shenzhou

Shenzhou VI, a manned spacecraft, is one of China's Shenzhou series of spacecraft. "Shenzhou VI has no difference in shape from Shenzhou V. It is still a three-compartment structure with a propulsion module, a return module and an orbital module, and its weight remains around 8 tons

Launched by a Long March 2F carrier rocket, Shenzhou VI is the first manned spacecraft in China to be launched by a Long March 2F carrier rocket.

Launched on a Long March 2F carrier rocket. It is China's second spacecraft to carry astronauts and the first manned spacecraft to carry out a "multi-person, multi-day" mission.


Mission astronauts

Fei Junlong, commander

Nie Haisheng, operator

This is the first time the two astronauts have flown on a space mission. Nie Haisheng celebrated his 41st lunar

birthday Oct. 13 in space.

Reserve astronauts

First echelon: Liu Boming, Jing Haipeng

Second echelon: Zhai Zhigang, Wu Jie

Heads of sub-systems

Chief commander of the astronaut system, chief designer: Chen Shanguang

Chief commander of the spacecraft application system, chief designer: Gu Yidong

Chief commander of the spacecraft system: Shang Zhi. Chief Designer: Zhang Bannan

Commander-in-Chief of Rocket System: Liu Yu, Chief Designer: Liu Zhusheng

Commander-in-Chief of Launching Site System: Zhang Yulin, Chief Designer: Lu Jinrong

Commander-in-Chief of Measurement, Control, and Communication System: Dong Deyi, Chief Designer: Yu Zhijian

Commander-in-Chief of Landing Site System: Sui Qisheng, Chief Designer: Hou Ying


The following times use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

October 11

22:15-22:17 Astronauts enter the spacecraft

22:53 Shenzhou 6 return capsule hatch closes

October 12

00:27 Rocket tower operating bracket opens fully

01:00:00 Long March 2 F rocket ignition

01:00:03.583 Shenzhou VI launch

01:02:03 (120th second after ignition) Rocket jettisoned escape tower

01:02:19 (136th second after ignition) Rocket booster separation

01:02:42 (159th second after ignition) Rocket first and second stages separate, first stage Rocket falls

01:03:23 (200 seconds after ignition) Fairing detached at an altitude of 110 kilometers

01:09:43 (583 seconds after ignition) Spaceship and rocket separated successfully at an altitude of about 200 kilometers

01:09:52 Shenzhou VI enters the scheduled orbit

07:56 Shenzhou VI spacecraft Change of Orbit

October 13

02:10 Astronauts conduct on-orbit anti-jamming test

18:21 Sea conditions deteriorate in the area where Farwatch 1, Farwatch 2 and Farwatch 3 are situated

21:56 Shenzhou 6 performs its first orbital maintenance after the change of orbit

October 15

08:29 -08:31 Astronauts speak with Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China*** and the People's Republic of China.

October 16

18:40 Shenzhou VI enters its 76th orbit around the Earth over the Qingdao Station measurement and control area

18:44 The Shenzhou VI return command is unlocked

19:10 The dispatcher of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center (BAFCC) announces that the return segment tracking has entered the 30-minute readiness

19:17 Shenzhou VI is

19:18 The propulsion module's solar sailboard is zeroed vertically

19:42 The signal of Shenzhou VI is captured by the survey ship of Far-Eye Survey Vessel No.3

19:43-19:48 The survey ship of Far-Eye Survey Vessel No.3 implements a series of key controls on Shenzhou VI, such as attitude adjustment, separation of the orbital module from the return voyage, and

brake and fire control, etc.

19:51 The Shenzhou VI is now ready for the return section. Shenzhou VI has entered the scheduled return orbit smoothly

19:43 Far Sight 3 sends commands to Shenzhou VI, and the first attitude adjustment of Shenzhou VI begins

19:44 The orbital module and the return capsule are successfully separated

19:45 The engine of the propulsion module fires up, and the return voyage begins

19:48:29 The orbital control engine of the propulsion module shuts down, and flies out of the Far Sight. The engines shut down and fly out of the measurement and control section of the Far Sight 3 survey ship

19:52 The capsule passes over the African continent, heading towards China

20:02 The capsule passes over South Asia, and the astronauts report that the spacecraft is working normally and feels good

20:07 The Propulsion Module and the Return Module are successfully separated

20:13 The capsule enters the communication blackout zone.

20:16 Landing site measurement and control equipment found the spacecraft

20:19 Main parachute cover opened

20:20 Deceleration parachute off, main parachute opened, helicopter visualized the target

20:23 Thermal bottom of the return capsule was successfully thrown off

20:33 The return capsule was successfully landed

21:04 The door of the return capsule was opened

21:39 Two astronauts, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, left the capsule


Shenzhou 6 was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 9:00 a.m. Beijing time (UTC+8) on October 12, 2005

The two Chinese astronauts, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, were sent to space. The flight is expected to last five days. They will first orbit five times in an elliptical orbit with an inclination of 42.4 degrees, a perigee altitude of 200 kilometers and an apogee altitude of 347 kilometers, and then enter a 343-kilometer circular orbit after the orbit is changed. It takes 90 minutes to fly around the Earth, and the flight trajectory is projected as a sinusoidal curve that is constantly moving eastward on the Earth's surface. The orbital characteristics are the same as those of Shenzhou V.

In orbit

At 17:29 on Oct. 12, astronaut Fei Junlong opened the hatch between Shenzhou 6's return capsule and orbital module and entered the orbital

module to carry out space science experiments.

Beginning at 4:00 p.m. on Oct. 13, the astronauts conducted an on-orbit disturbance force test, consciously increasing the amplitude of their movements in the capsule to try

to check the effect of human disturbance on the attitude of the spacecraft. After opening and closing the hatch, putting on and taking off the pressure suit, walking through the capsule, and extracting condensate

four major "on-orbit disturbance force" tests, the astronauts' activities had very little effect on the spacecraft's attitude, and the spacecraft could maintain a normal flight without correcting the spacecraft's attitude.

The test was conducted at 10:00 p.m., and the astronauts were able to open the door to the spacecraft and open the door to the pressure suit.

On the morning of Oct. 14, Shenzhou VI carried out the first orbit maintenance after orbit change in the 30th lap, i.e., according to the orbit fine measurement parameters

to make slight adjustments, so that the spacecraft can return to the predetermined normal orbit. During the maintenance, the Shenzhou VI engine *** ignited for 6.5 seconds, lifting the spacecraft 800 meters.

At 16:29 on Oct. 15, Hu Jintao spoke with astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng. at 18:05, the astronauts transmitted digital images they had taken of the spacecraft's solar sail panels to the Beijing

Space Flight Control Center.


After completing its scheduled mission, the spacecraft returned to the main landing site in Siziwangqi, Inner Mongolia, using lift-off re-entry. The Shenzhou

6 manned spacecraft needs to go through four phases to return to the ground: the braking flight phase, the free gliding phase, the re-entry

layer phase and the landing phase. After the separation of the orbital module and the return capsule, Shenzhou VI will remain in orbit for six months to conduct a series of scientific experiments.

Because the first manned spacecraft, Shenzhou V, flew in space for only one day, weather changes at the main landing site could be predicted accurately and in time, so the secondary landing site was not activated; Shenzhou VI will fly in space for many days, and the weather is difficult to accurately

predict, so the secondary site at the Jiuquan Satellite Launching Center will be activated as a back-up landing site. To prepare for the spacecraft's return at any time, 13 landing sites have been set up on the ground***. In addition to the main and secondary landing sites at the Siziwangqi and Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centers in Inner Mongolia, there are 11 emergency landing sites at home and abroad. The landing site system includes the main and secondary landing site subsystems, the land

emergency search and rescue subsystem, the sea emergency search and rescue subsystem, the communication subsystem, and the astronauts' medical supervision and medical insurance subsystem, which are five


The equipment involved in astronaut search and rescue includes search and rescue helicopters, search and rescue helicopters, search and video helicopters,

command and dispatch vehicles, astronaut medical monitoring and medical insurance vehicles, engineering transportation vehicles, astronaut transportation vehicles, return capsule cranes and small search

rope cars.

Four giant parachutes have been designed to ensure the safe return home of Shenzhou VI and the two astronauts. Return module in the landing process,

at least to successively open the guidance parachute, deceleration parachute, the main parachute *** 3 umbrellas, if necessary, but also to open the fourth backup parachute

. Whether the spacecraft return capsule parachute can be opened smoothly is directly related to the success or failure of the recovery. The main parachute can't be opened all at once, or it will be blown out by the high-speed airflow, and the capsule will be smashed. Not all is well after the spacecraft hits the ground, either.

If the giant parachute is blown by the wind, it could drag the capsule along as it rolls along at a rapid pace. To ensure safety, a cutter on the capsule automatically cuts off the parachute harness the moment it hits the ground, leaving the parachute to float down alone, so the capsule isn't dragged away by the parachute.

This is the first time a parachute has been used in a spacecraft, and it's the first time a parachute has been used in a spacecraft.

Additionally, according to the opinion of Shenzhou V astronaut Yang Liwei, in order to minimize the impact on the astronauts when landing on Shenzhou VI, the seats of the astronauts in the capsule have been installed with a "fugue shock-absorbing cushion" for the first time, which is designed according to the different shapes of the astronauts. The energy-absorbing seat cushion, which is made according to the different

characteristics of astronauts' bodies, can quickly disperse the stress on the human body at the moment of impact, avoiding human body injuries


At 3:44 a.m. on Oct. 16, 2005, the spacecraft's orbital module was successfully separated from the return module, and at 3:45 a.m., the ship's engines were successfully ignited to begin the return flight. At 4:07 a.m., the spacecraft's propulsion module successfully separated from the return module, which

re-entered Earth on its own.

During the landing, there was a point of light in the night sky at the main landing site in Siziwangqi, which was like a shooting star crossing the night sky. At 0413 hours, the return capsule passed through the atmosphere, generating high temperatures and creating a black block of communication, suspending contact with the control center for three minutes.

The capsule was also able to return to the Earth at 0420 hours. At 4:20 a.m., the module opened its main parachute and slowly landed at the main landing site in Siziwangqi. At

4:33 a.m., the module successfully landed, and the two astronauts, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, reported to the control center that they were safe, and the control center

staff applauded and celebrated. About half an hour later, a search-and-rescue helicopter spotted the capsule first, and the actual landing site was only 1 kilometer different from the predicted

plan. After the crew opened the door to the capsule, medical personnel examined the two astronauts and advised

they could exit the capsule on their own.

Unlike Shenzhou 5 astronaut Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong first climbed out of the capsule on his own, wearing a space suit, and waved to workers on the scene.

Nie Haisheng also climbed out of the capsule. Nie Haisheng also climbed out of the capsule and walked down the iron ladder, and the two men sat on chairs and accepted flower offerings from staff members

and thanked everyone for their love and concern. The two astronauts stayed in space for 115.5 hours, more than five times the flight time of the Shenzhou V spacecraft, creating the longest stay in space for Chinese people and bringing to a successful end China's first

"multi-person, multi-day" space journey. Fei and Nie Haisheng were picked up by helicopters after returning to the ground, followed by

specialized flights back to Beijing, where they were temporarily quarantined for 14 days.

Technical improvements

More than 40 pieces of equipment and six pieces of software were added to the spacecraft, bringing it to more than 600 pieces of equipment, 82 pieces of software, more than 100,000 pieces of meta-vehicle

pieces, and 110 technological improvements were made in four areas.

Improvements centered around a two-person, multi-day mission: food cabinets were put to real use, and water was prepared for the astronauts in two ways

through water tanks and separate soft packs. The condensate tank was enlarged, and all exposed piping was labeled with absorbent material to ensure that the spacecraft

humidity was kept below 80 percent.

Improvements in the functional use of the orbital module: food warmers and utensils were placed. A sleeping bag

was hung in the orbital module for the two astronauts to take turns resting. There is also a special cleaning cabinet in the capsule, where astronauts can clean themselves with

wipes and other items. The urine and feces collection device was also used for the first time this time.

Improvements to enhance astronaut safety: The seat cushion for astronauts has been redesigned so that astronauts can see out the porthole after the seat is lifted

before return. The rapid

automatic detection device for the hatch closure between the return module and the orbit module has been successfully developed. The development of a special cloth, which does not produce fibers, static electricity, or odor, is specifically designed to clean

the hatch.

Continuous improvement: The "black box" not only has a storage capacity 100 times larger than the original, but also the speed of data writing and reading

has increased by more than 10 times, while the volume is less than half of the original


The items carried on Shenzhou VI are mainly souvenirs of the manned spaceflight project, such as stamps, paintings, flags and

other souvenirs, as well as microbial strains and crop seeds used for scientific experiments.

Experimental use

Some eggs, silkworm eggs and Yunnan Pu'er tea will be sent up with Shenzhou VI to study the possibility of genetic mutation.

Twenty-four cell culture boxes containing beating heart muscle cells and wall-stretching osteoblasts have been placed on the spacecraft, and the astronauts

and ground crews are synchronizing a series of comparative experiments on the two identical sets of living cells, to study the cellular molecular mechanisms by which the space environment affects the heart and bones, and to validate the effects of cell culture in the cell culture solution, in the cell culture solution, and in the bone culture solution through the real-time flight in space. culture fluid and

screened on the ground to verify the protective effects of drugs placed in the cell culture fluid. The astronauts operated 24 sample cassettes in three time periods. During the operation, the astronauts would

position the cell culture tape on their legs and, at different time periods, squeeze through two capsules containing activators and immobilizers, respectively, to

activate or immobilize the living cells, and to examine the state and

changes of the cell samples in the different gravity conditions before and after the spacecraft went into orbit.

Memorial use

There are 10 grams of special clay, consisting of 9 grams of mainland clay and 1 gram of Taiwan clay, which signifies ten perfections and hopes for peace and

peaceful reunification of the motherland.

Ship data

Ship name: Shenzhou VI

Launch: Oct. 12, 2005 09:00:00 BST

Takeoff: Oct. 12, 2005 09:00:03.583 BST

Landing: Oct. 17, 2005 04:33 BST

Flight time: 115 hours, 32 minutes

Orbit: 76 revolutions

Altitude: 343 kilometers

How do you escape during a flight?

The Long March 2F rocket used to launch Shenzhou 6 has three modes to ensure that astronauts can escape safely in the event of an accident. The three modes are: low-altitude escape, high-altitude escape and emergency separation of the ship and rocket.

Low-altitude escape refers to the escape from 30 minutes before takeoff to 120 seconds after takeoff, i.e., before the rocket is thrown off the escape tower, including the escape on the launch pad. Low-altitude escape is realized through the escape tower, so it is called "tower escape". The escape tower is placed at the top of the rocket, about 8 meters long, shaped like a huge lightning rod. When the launch phase of the rocket catastrophic failure, it can carry the orbital module and return capsule quickly fly away from the rocket, flight to a safe area, and then throw off the escape tower and the orbital module, the return capsule by parachute to return to land on their own. The first key action after the successful liftoff of the rocket is to throw off the escape tower, which is to avoid consuming the launch vehicle thrust for nothing.

The rocket throw escape tower (120 seconds after takeoff) to the fairing separation before (200 seconds after takeoff), the implementation of high-altitude escape that is "no tower escape", by four high-altitude escape engine and two high-altitude separation engine for the fairing to provide power to take the spacecraft away from the arrow.

After the fairing separation and before the ship-arrow separation (about 584 seconds after takeoff), if a failure occurs, the ship-arrow emergency separation can be implemented. After the successful escape of the ship, it will land within about 800 kilometers from Badanjilin Desert in Inner Mongolia to Yulin in Shaanxi Province.

Experts said that if a fatal failure occurs during a manned space flight, the biggest possibility is during the rocket ignition, takeoff, ascent and return phases.

Return phase, space history, the most typical example of life-saving success is the United States Apollo 13 spacecraft back from the dead. 1970 April 11, the United States Apollo 13 spacecraft from the Kennedy Space Center successfully lifted off 56 hours after the service module oxygen tank explosion, three astronauts faced with the disaster of the burial in space. But they were not afraid of danger, according to the ground scientists to accurately calculate the orbit and the ground commander's orders, manually manipulate the spacecraft, the use of oxygen and power of the lunar module, successfully returned on April 17, creating a miracle of escape from death in the history of spaceflight. (Xinhua)

Learning to open and close the door

--a big issue of life and death for astronauts

According to Xinhua News Agency, the entry and exit of astronauts to and from the orbital module from the return capsule is an important feature of Shenzhou VI that distinguishes it from Shenzhou V. The spacecraft's return to the orbiting capsule was a major success. Therefore, opening and closing the hatch of the return capsule becomes the key to a successful flight and even to safeguarding the lives of the astronauts. The Shenzhou VI spacecraft hatch is designed with a number of "thresholds" to reject accidents outside the "door".

The first hurdle is to prevent the lock from being opened by mistake. Will the door be vibrated open due to vibration? Will the astronauts open the closed hatch by mistake? Anti-false unlocking solves these problems. The astronauts must turn the handle to a fixed position before the door can be opened.

The second hurdle --- multiple sealing measures. There is no air in space, and if the hatch sealing performance is not good, leading to gas leakage in the cabin and pressure variation, it will jeopardize the life safety of astronauts. Therefore, the designers have taken multi-channel sealing ring measures on the hatch, and the sealing is 100% up to the requirements.

The third hurdle --- booster point. Astronauts in weightlessness can make the force is very limited, the hatch a little heavier, may affect its switch, so the designers in the hatch near the astronauts designed a booster point.

The fourth hurdle---rapid leak detection. The designers developed a rapid leak-detection device that can confirm whether the hatch is closed within about 10 minutes of closing it.

The fifth hurdle --- hatch cleaning cloth. The designers spent three months to develop a successful "space rag" to prevent the hatch sealing surface of a tiny excess - hair, dander, small fibers affect its sealing performance.

Lift your head to look at the sun, and keep your head down to your hometown

Long March rockets are the first to be fitted with two "clairvoyant eyes"

According to the Xinhua News Agency, the Long March 2F-type rockets used for the launch of the Shenzhou-6 manned spacecraft are equipped with a real-time measurement system of images, the first time that China's Long March series of rockets are fitted with a "clairvoyant eye. "clairvoyance".

According to Zhang Zhi, chief designer of the launch vehicle system for the manned spaceflight project, the image real-time measurement system is mainly used for separation assistance judgment. In previous flights, the rocket's shutdown, separation and other actions are reflected by the corresponding telemetry parameters. And through the newly added image real-time measurement system, the ground can see the rocket from the takeoff to the ship and arrow separation and other actions of the real-time picture, more accurately determine the status of the rocket.

The real-time image measurement system consists of two cameras, an image compression processor, an image synthesis controller and other equipment. One camera is facing the tail of the rocket for observing the booster separation and the separation of the first and second stages; the other camera is facing upward for observing the fairing separation and the ship-arrow separation. In this way, in the process of rocket ascent, we can see down to the Earth further and further away, but also up to see the sun or stars, is a real "live broadcast".

In-cabin spacesuits

China's self-developed astronauts' in-cabin spacesuits. Space suits are essential personal protection and life-saving equipment for astronauts. Since the two astronauts aboard Shenzhou VI did not have the task of going out of the module, they were only equipped with an in-cabin spacesuit and supporting devices.

China established an astronaut training center in Beijing in the 1990s, specializing in the selection and training of Chinese astronauts, the implementation of medical supervision and medical safeguards during selection training and flight tests, and the development of space suits, space food and other personal equipment, in order to provide astronauts with guaranteed manpower support for manned flights on the Shenzhou series of spacecraft. (Xinhua)

Digital Shenzhou

2: The Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft carries two astronauts on a multi-day flight.

8: The total length of the spacecraft is more than 8 meters.

9: The spacecraft orbital module astronauts effective space of about 9 cubic meters, can be more comfortable to turn around and do a variety of operations.

13: The spaceship system *** has 13 subsystems composed of, according to the function were named payload, structure and mechanism, thermal control, guidance navigation and control, propulsion, power supply, data management, measurement, control and communication, environmental control and life support, crew, recovery and landing, instrumentation and lighting, emergency life-saving.

21 degrees Celsius: The temperature in the spacecraft cabin is always maintained at 21 degrees Celsius, with a deviation of 4 degrees Celsius up or down.

60 decibels: Aerospace medicine research shows that absolute silence during spacecraft flight will have an effect on the astronauts' psychology, but it can't be too high. The cabin instrument noise during Shenzhou space flight is about 60 decibels, which is equivalent to standing on an ordinary commercial street with no cars running.

52: There are 52 engines on the three modules of the spacecraft***, including 28 engines in the propulsion module, 8 engines in the return module and 16 in the orbit module. There are an even number of engines in each bay, which have a main engine and a backup engine.

90 minutes: it takes 90 minutes for the spacecraft to make each lap around the Earth, and the distance flown is about 42,000 kilometers per lap in circular orbit, or about 680,000 kilometers per day.

300 kilograms: the spaceship *** has more than 300 kilograms of cable wire, with a total length of about 30 kilometers.

343 kilometers: the distance of the airship from the ground during its flight.

600 units: the ship*** has more than 600 units of equipment.

100,000: the ship*** has more than 100,000 components from thousands of factories.

Digital "divine arrow"

Liu Zhusheng, chief designer of the launch vehicle system for the manned spaceflight project, used layman's language to explain the figures about the Long March 2F rocket in an exclusive interview with Xinhua.

0.97, 0.997: The reliability of the rocket is 0.97, the safety is 0.997. The reliability of 0.97 means that in 100 launches, there are only 3 times that the rocket may have a problem; the safety of 0.997 means that in 1,000 times that the rocket has a problem, there may be 3 times that the astronauts' lives will be jeopardized. This is the characteristic of manned rockets. A typical commercial rocket has a reliability of 0.91 to 0.93, with no safety requirements.

479 tons: the takeoff weight of the rocket is 479 tons. The rocket plus the spacecraft weighs about 44 tons, and the rest is liquid propellant. Therefore, 90% of the rocket is liquid.

8 tons: the ship weighs over 8 tons, which is sixty-two percent of the ship-rocket combination's takeoff weight. To put one kilogram into orbit, it takes 62 kilograms of rocket.

3.35 meters: the core stage of the rocket has a diameter of 3.35 meters. Rockets transported by standard rail can only reach a maximum diameter of 3.35 meters.

7.5 kilometers: The rocket's speed at the point of entry into orbit is 7.5 kilometers per second, which is 22 times faster than the speed of sound and is equivalent to running from the east end of Chang'an Street to the west end in one second.

Why did the debris fall off during the launch?

According to the Xinhua News Agency, the spectacular launch of the Shenzhou VI spacecraft attracted a lot of attention. However, if a little attention, people may not be difficult to find from the TV screen or photographic images, the rocket in lifting the spacecraft flying away from the launch pylons up in the air, the body in the continuous fall of some debris. So why would debris fall from a spacecraft during launch?

According to space launch experts, after entering October, most of China's northern regions began to be frequently affected by cold air, with temperatures dropping significantly. Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, located deep in the northwestern Gobi, has seen the temperature difference between morning and evening increase, with nighttime temperatures reaching below zero. The theoretical temperature for the test launch of the "Long March II-F" launch vehicle is -20 degrees Celsius, but the low temperature may cause some products to experience low-temperature effects, such as sealing failure, poor contact with cable plugs, and clogging of transport pipelines, which may become fatal "killers" during the launch. ".

In order to minimize the adverse effects of low temperature on the rocket launch, often in the rocket test launch process to take some thermal insulation measures, such as blowing hot air, sets of cold suits, electric light bulb irradiation and paste foam. Among them, sticking foam on the rocket body is the most commonly used and the easiest way. After the rocket ignites and lifts off, the intense friction of the atmosphere strips this Styrofoam from the body, which becomes the debris that people see falling off the rocket.

How do the two Shenzhou VI astronauts divide up the work?

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhou V has only one passenger, Yang Liwei, so why should Shenzhou VI have two astronauts on board? How do they divide the labor?

According to the planning of the manned spaceflight project, the Shenzhou spacecraft, as a round-trip transporter between heaven and earth for the future space station, should have the function of sending a number of astronauts and a small amount of cargo to the space station. Therefore, the basic state designed by the project for Shenzhou flights is multiple astronauts and multi-day flights, but the test has to be carried out step by step, and with this Shenzhou VI flight, the time has come to test multiple people and multiple days: as the first test of the second phase of the project, this flight has to prove whether multiple people can work and live in space for multiple days.

Hu Yinyan, the designer in charge of the spacecraft's operational technology training subsystem, said the two astronauts, who went up to the sky together to carry out the mission, needed to divide up the work and cooperate on the operation. Under normal flight conditions, astronauts need to carry out more than 110 manual operations, 01 astronaut Fei Junlong is responsible for most of the commands sent, the call with the ground, as well as the left side of the hand-control panel and handle operation, 02 astronauts Nie Haisheng is responsible for the right side of the hand-control panel operation. In addition, there is a division of labor between the two astronauts in terms of work and rest: while one is operating space science experiments in the orbital module, the other must be on duty in the return module; while one is resting, the other is on duty.

Hu said the two astronauts have different divisions of labor, but the technical requirements for them are the same.

Will Shenzhou VI have problems with heat-resistant tiles?

According to the Xinhua News Agency, more than three months ago, the U.S. space shuttle Discovery had a close call with the failure of its heat shield, making "heat shield" one of the most frequently used terms in the international space community. Spaceship system thermal control sub-system chief designer Fan Hanlin pointed out that the Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft return capsule using disposable ablative materials to prevent heat, while the space shuttle heat tile is reused, we will not have similar failures.

On Feb. 1, 2003, the U.S. space shuttle Columbia disintegrated in mid-air as it returned to Earth, killing all seven astronauts on board.On May 14, the accident investigation board said Columbia was hit by an external force during takeoff, which led to cracks in the heat shield tile, and the super-hot airflow took advantage of the cracks and caused the plane to disintegrate.

On July 26, 2005, the shuttle Discovery finally launched into the sky after several delays. On July 26, 2005, Space Shuttle Discovery finally launched after several delays, but unfortunately had another problem with the heat shield. The world was worried when a heat shield was hit and failed, but it was discovered in time and repaired by astronauts on a spacewalk.

Fan Hanlin introduced, anti-heat tile is loose, lightweight brittle ceramic material, high temperature resistance, light weight, high temperature does not occur physical and chemical changes, so it can be reused. However, it has an inherent weakness in connection and force. There are tens of thousands of heat-resistant tiles on the entire shuttle, and a problem with one can lead to a crash.

The aerodynamic profile of the heat shield is bound to suffer varying degrees of damage during repeated use of the shuttle, and as the number of times it is used increases, the greater the potential danger.

The heat shield of the spacecraft and even the whole spacecraft is a one-time use, from which the function of the spacecraft is not as good as that of the space shuttle, but the reliability is far beyond the space shuttle. Shenzhou spacecraft, as well as Russia's Soyuz series of spacecraft, the return capsule return will also produce friction with the atmosphere, generating thousands of degrees Celsius on the surface of the high temperature, this process is more violent than the space shuttle. However, the spaceships use ablative materials of extremely complex composition and process, through which the heat is carried away by combustion. The ablative materials are left with a large margin and will not burn out. It is understood that this material, China has greatly exceeded the United States in the production process and other aspects of the United States, in many technical indicators are also ahead of Russia.

Hebei "space medicine" now how?

Reporter Liu Lipu

Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft successfully lifted off the occasion, "China's medicine capital" Anguo once again become the focus of attention, because here the seeds of traditional Chinese medicine once aboard the Shenzhou I, III and IV spacecraft to travel in space. Experiments have also proved that the trial planting of these seeds has been a preliminary success.

12th morning, Anguo Yadu Park, Anguo City Kewei Seed Co. Sun Zhongjin manager told reporters that the cultivation of the bluegrass root, thorns and other Chinese herbs are different from ordinary Chinese herbs, are "space herbs", with the carrying of the Shenzhou spacecraft herbs seed propagation, cultivated. "Compared with ordinary herbs, it can be clearly felt that these herbs in the branches and leaves and yield and other aspects are dominant." In addition, the reporter also found that the beans, soybeans and cherry tomatoes cultivated here are also very different from the common ones: the size of the beans can actually be comparable to that of the cucumber, and if they are not reminded of this, they can't see that they are beans. "Cherry tomato seedlings can grow as high as a small tree, and the fruits that come out are particularly fruitful and taste different from the common ones." Li Xiaoyue, who specifically contacted and worked towards the realization of the Anguo herb seeds on board the Shenzhou spacecraft, said.

Remembering Anguo's medicinal seeds carry Shenzhou spacecraft swim in space, Li Xiaoyue said: "At that time, I was still the deputy mayor of Anguo City, it happens to be a comrade-in-arms in the Beijing Institute of Medicinal Plants to preside over the work in the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine, to understand that if you enhance the quality of traditional Chinese medicine medicine medicine, the main through the group cultivation and piggybacking to achieve. Since the city's relevant leaders, enhance the quality of 'medicine capital' drugs is also their own responsibility, they said with a comrade in arms 'piggybacking' idea, and then befriended the Aerospace Science and Technology Group Corporation Aerospace Breeding Experimental Base of the relevant personnel, I did not expect to go through the effort, but also really realized."

Li Xiaoyue said, from 1999 Shenzhou I spacecraft launch, to the end of 2002 Shenzhou IV launch, Anguo has three times, **** 152 grams of Chinese herbal seeds and food, vegetable seeds to travel in space, the vast majority of which are Chinese herbs, vegetables and food only accounted for a very small proportion. At present, the space herbs Panax quinquefolium, Thornybush, etc. have been bred ten million seeds, harvested Panax quinquefolium, patchouli, grass huangming, Thornybush seeds of dozens of kilograms each.

According to experts, at present, these "space herbs" are in the experimental, observation stage, it is not clear when the market.


China's manned spaceflight events

October 8, 1956, China's first rocket and missile development institutions - the Ministry of National Defense Fifth Research Institute was established, Qian Xuesen, president.1958, April, began construction of China's first launch vehicle launch site. The construction of China's first launch site for carrier rockets began in April 1958.

On July 19, 1964, China's first biological rocket carrying mice inside was successfully launched in Guangde, Anhui Province, China's first step in space science exploration.

On April 1, 1968, China's Institute of Aerospace Medical Engineering was established, and it began to select and train astronauts and carry out medical engineering research on manned spaceflight.

On April 24, 1970, with the successful launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, Dongfanghong-1, in Jiuquan, China became the fifth country in the world to launch a satellite.

On November 26, 1975, the first return satellite was successfully launched and returned three days later, making China the third country in the world to master satellite return technology.

In 1979, the Yuanwang 1 space survey ship was built and put into use, making China the fourth country in the world to have an ocean-going space survey ship. At present, China has formed an advanced land and sea-based aerospace measurement and control network, which consists of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center, the Xi'an Satellite Measurement and Control Center, the Land Measurement and Control Station, the four ocean-going space measurement vessels of the Far Sight and the communication network connecting them, and the technology has reached the world's advanced level.

In 1985, China officially announced that it would put the Long March series of carrier rockets into the international commercial launch market; on April 7, 1990, the Long March III carrier rocket successfully launched the "Asia-1" satellite developed by the United States, and up to now, 27 foreign-made satellites have been successfully sent into space, and China has taken a leading position in the international commercial satellite launch service market. China has gained a foothold in the international commercial satellite launch service market.

On July 16, 1990, the Long March 2 bundled rocket was successfully launched for the first time in Xichang, with a low-orbit capacity of 9.2 tons, laying the foundation for launching manned spacecraft.

In October 1990, a satellite carrying two mice and other creatures ascended into space, beginning China's first space orbit flight test carrying higher animals. The complete success of the test obtained many valuable data for the design of life-support system for China's manned spacecraft as well as for long-term manned space flights.

In 1992, China's manned spacecraft was formally included in the national program for development, and the project was later named the Shenzhou manned spacecraft project.

November 20, 1999, January 10, 2001, March 25, 2002, December 30, 2002, China has four times successfully launched the Shenzhou I to IV unmanned spacecraft, manned flight is not far away.

October 15, 2003, China successfully launched the first manned spacecraft Shenzhou V. 21 hours and 23 minutes of space travel, marking China has become the world?