What sterilizing solution do sterile rooms need to be wiped down with on a regular basis

Aseptic rooms need to be regularly wiped down with a hypochlorite germicidal disinfectant solution.

Hypochlorous acid has good oxidizing properties and can kill various bacteria quickly and broad-spectrum. Used for sterile room air spray disinfection, equipment and instruments wipe disinfection, ground disinfection are very good choice, especially the use of salt and water electrolysis generated hypochlorite solution, sterilization can be degraded, without any residue, not corrode the equipment, no irritating odor, harmless to the human body, the spray disinfection without the need to evacuate the personnel.

Hypochlorite disinfectant is a weak acid, strong oxidizing agent. Hypochlorite chemical formula for HClO. suitable for health care institutions, public **** health places, and family of general object surface, medical equipment, medical waste. Hypochlorous acid itself is unstable, so during long-term storage, it needs to be stored at room temperature and protected from light, and need to ensure that the sealing.

Hypochlorite disinfectant use

1, surgical hand disinfection: wash and dry the hands and forearms with soap, take about 5ml of this product, according to the "Disinfection Technical Specification" stipulated in the hand-washing method of evenly rubbing the hands and forearms for 3 minutes, you can wear sterile gloves.

2, hygienic hand disinfection: take about 3ml of this product in the palm, hands rubbed for one minute.

3, air disinfection: remove the source of contamination, close the doors and windows, will be the original liquid according to the amount of 5ml / m?, hand-held nozzle towards the air, from inside to outside, from top to bottom, from left to right uniform spray, the role of time 30 minutes, the role of the windows and doors open to ventilate the air to drive out the residual disinfectant particles.

4, hard object surface disinfection: clean at a distance of 10cm to 20cm directly spray can be, the role of 30 minutes.

5, fabric disinfection: after cleaning the clothes, soaked in hypochlorite disinfectant, the role of 10 minutes after cleaning with water.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia - hypochlorite disinfectant