Bibliography of Hazardous Chemicals Emergency Response

Chapter 1: Basic Knowledge of Hazardous Chemicals1

Section 1: Overview of Hazardous Chemicals1

I. Basic Concepts of Hazardous Chemicals1

II. Production Characteristics of Hazardous Chemicals2

III. Hazards of Hazardous Chemicals3

IV. Control of Hazards of Hazardous Chemicals14

Section 2: Classification and Labeling of Hazardous Chemicals17

I. Principles of Classification17

II. Classification and Labeling of Hazardous Chemicals17

I. Principles of Classification of Hazardous Chemicals17

II. Classification of Hazardous Chemicals17

III. Labeling of Hazardous Chemicals21

Section III: Characteristics of Hazardous Chemicals23

I. Hazardous Characteristics24

II. Characteristics of Various Types of Hazardous Chemicals29

Section IV Terminology of Hazardous Chemicals46

I. Overview of Terminology46

II. General Terminology47

III. Explosives Nomenclature47

Section V. Hazardous Chemicals Regulations and Standards 49

I. Introduction to Regulations49

II. Introduction to Standards49


Fourth, the standard reading method53

Fifth, the introduction of hazardous chemicals related regulations and standards55

Sixth, the relationship between standards and technical regulations55

Chapter 2: Identification and Control of Chemical Hazardous Sources57

Section 1: Identification of Chemical Hazardous Sources57

I. The Concept of Hazardous Sources57

Second, the three elements and categories of hazardous sources59

Third, chemical hazardous sources63

Fourth, identification of hazardous sources63

Fifth, identification of chemical hazardous sources66

Section II: Classification of Chemical Hazardous Sources70

One, Classification of Hazardous Sources70

One, Classification of Hazardous Sources70

Two, Specific Classification of Chemical Hazardous Sources70

Section III: Overview of Hazardous Chemical Equipment74

I. Pressure Vessels75

II. Mobile Pressure Vessels81

III. Gas Cylinders83

IV. Pressure Piping87

Section IV: Identification of Major Hazardous Sources96

I. Definition of Major Hazardous Sources97

II. Classification97

Three, Identification of Major Dangerous Sources98

Four, Scope of Declaration and Registration of Major Dangerous Sources103

Section V. Management and Control of Major Dangerous Sources104

Objectives and Tasks104

Two, Requirements for Supervision and Management of Major Dangerous Sources105

Chapter III: Overview of the Emergency Response and Rescue System of Chemical Accidents106

Chemical Accident Emergency Response and Rescue Overview of Chemical Accident Emergency Rescue System106

Section 1: The Necessity of Establishing Chemical Accident Emergency Rescue System106

I. Status of China's Chemical Production and Operation106

II. Gap with Internationally Developed Countries107

III. 108

I. Overview108

II. Development of Emergency Rescue System in Advanced Countries109

III. Disaster Emergency Rescue System in the United States110

IV. Chemical Safety Management and Chemical Accident Emergency Rescue System in Europe116

V. Disaster Emergency Rescue System in Japan118

VI, Australia's chemical safety management system 121

VII. Hazardous Chemical Safety and Rescue in the Russian Federation 122

Section III: Overview of China's Chemical Accident Emergency Response and Rescue System 123

I. Status of China's Chemical Accident Emergency Response and Rescue Work 123

II, Existing major problems130

Section IV Chemical Accident Emergency Rescue System Construction131

I. Guiding Ideology of Emergency Rescue of Hazardous Chemical Accidents131

II. Basic Principles of Emergency Rescue of Hazardous Chemical Accidents131

III. Rescue Objectives133

V. Tasks of Emergency Rescue for Hazardous Chemical Accidents133

VI. Structure of Emergency Rescue System for Chemical Accidents134

Chapter 4: Emergency Response and Rescue Plans for Dangerous Chemical Accidents139

Section 1: Overview of Emergency Response and Rescue Plans for Hazardous Chemicals139

I. The Concept of Hazardous Chemicals Emergency Rescue Plan139

II. The Role and Significance of Hazardous Chemicals Emergency Rescue Plan140

III. Legal and Regulatory Bases for Preparation of Hazardous Chemicals Emergency Rescue Plan141

IV. Requirements and Procedures for Preparation of Emergency Rescue Plans for Hazardous Chemicals Accidents142

Section II: Classification of Emergency Rescue Plans144

I, Classification of Emergency Rescue Plan144

II. Basic Structure of the Plan145

III. Document Structure of Emergency Rescue Plan147

IV. Basic Composition of Emergency Rescue Plan148

Section III: Preparation of Emergency Rescue Plans for Hazardous Chemicals in Enterprises148

I. 149

II. Preparation of Emergency Rescue Plans for Hazardous Chemicals149

III. Emergency Rescue Plans for Hazardous Chemicals in Enterprises (Examples)157

Section IV. Preparation of Emergency Rescue Plans for Hazardous Chemicals in Government159

I. Overview of Emergency Rescue Plans for Government Departments159

II. Preparation of Emergency Rescue Plans for Government Hazardous Chemicals160

Third, Government Emergency Rescue Plans for Hazardous Chemicals (Examples)167

Section V. Connection between Enterprises and Government Emergency Rescue Systems for Hazardous Chemicals173

One, Filing of Emergency Rescue Plans173

One, Connection between Emergency Response Organizations174

On the other hand, the connection of emergency response resources174

Four, Connection of Emergency Response Information174

Fourth, the interface of emergency information174

Fifth, the interface with other emergency plans174

Sixth, the establishment of regional emergency rescue coordination mechanism174

Section VI of the hazardous chemicals emergency response plan management175

One, the evaluation and release of the emergency response plan175

Second, the release of the emergency response plan176

Three, the implementation of the emergency plan176

Four, the plan of modification and revision177

Section VII of the emergency rescue plan for hazardous chemicals, training and exercises177

I. Emergency rescue plan publicity, education and training177

Second, the types of emergency plan exercises178

Three, the purpose of the exercise and the requirements 179

Four, drill preparation180

Five, drill planning182

Six, drill implementation183

Seven, drill evaluation, summary and tracking185

Chapter V. Hazardous Chemical Accident Scene Rescue187

Section I. Overview187

I. The concept of hazardous chemical accident scene rescue187

I. Concept 187

II. Professional Characteristics of Hazardous Chemical Accident Scene Rescue 187

Section II. Preparation for Hazardous Chemical Accident Scene Rescue 188

I. Conditions to be Met by Personnel Engaged in Hazardous Chemical Accident Scene Rescue Operations 188

II. Technical Training for Hazardous Chemical Accident Rescue Personnel 188

III, Hazardous chemical accident scene rescue preparations 189

Section 3: Hazardous chemical accident scene rescue procedures 191

One, receive the report 191

Two, mobilization of rescue forces 191

Three, set up 192

Quarterly, inquiries and detection 192

Five, isolation and evacuation 192

Fourth, protection 192

VI. Protection193

VII. On-site First Aid194

VIII. Spill Disposal195

IX. On-site Decontamination196

X. Fire Control196

XI. Withdrawal of Points198

Section IV. Isolation and Evacuation198

I. Domestic Hazardous Chemical Spill Accident Scene Isolation and evacuation area determination198

II. Isolation and evacuation area determination of foreign hazardous chemical leakage accident scene200

Section V. Hazardous chemical accident scene protection201

I. Respiratory protection201

II. Hand and foot protection202

Section VI: First aid at the scene of hazardous chemical accidents203

I. Purpose and significance of first aid at the scene of hazardous chemical accidents203

II. Basic principles of first aid at the scene of hazardous chemical accidents203

III. Commonly used first aid at the scene of basic methods204

Section VII: Self-help methods at the scene of accidents206

Section VII. Accident scene self-rescue methods206

I. Basic principles of hazardous chemicals scene self-rescue206

II. Basic methods of hazardous chemicals scene self-rescue206

III. Hazardous chemicals fire self-rescue methods207

Section VIII. Overview of decontamination 208

Basic method of decontamination of hazardous chemical accident scene209

Third, the way of decontamination of hazardous chemical accident scene212

Fourth, the introduction of commonly used disinfectants212

Fifth, the implementation of decontamination of the scene of hazardous chemical accidents213

Fourth, decontamination of the scene of hazardous chemical accidents applications Examples216

Section 9: Collection and Disposal of Leakage217

I. Dike and Trench Blockage218

II. Dilution and Cover 219

III. Precautions in the rescue of chemical accidents 228

I. Precautions for the safety protection of rescue personnel 228

II. Precautions for rescue personnel to enter the contaminated area 228

III. Precautions in the rescue 228

IV. Precautions in the treatment of leaks 228

V. Precautions in the on-site medical emergency 229

VI. Precautions in medical emergency 229

VI. Precautions in organizing and directing the evacuation of people from the polluted area 229

Chapter VI: Leakage of hazardous chemicals and pressure sealing technology 231

Section 1: Leakage of hazardous chemicals 231

I: Definition of Leakage 231

II: Classification of Leakage 232

III: Leakage of flanges and flanges 232

I: Leakage of flanges and flanges 232

II. >Flange and flange leakage234

Four, equipment and pipeline leakage236

Five, valves and valve leakage245

Section 2: Mechanisms of Pressure Sealing Technology251

One, overview of pressure sealing technology251

Second, pressure sealing technology, definitions and mechanisms252

Section 3: Injection type Pressure sealing technology253

I. Basic principle of injection type pressure sealing technology253

II. Injection type pressure sealing technology machine assembly253

III. Special sealing injection253

IV. Pressure sealing fixture255

V. High-pressure injection gun262

Fourth section of the pressurized adhesive sealing technology 264

One, filler bonding method 264

Two, filler bonding method characteristics 264

Three, hot melt adhesive filler bonding method 265

Four, plugging adhesive filler bonding method 265

Five, filling adhesive filler bonding method 267

Four, top pressure adhesive bonding method 269

Seven, fastening adhesive bonding method 275

VIII, diversionary bonding method 276

IX, magnetic compression bonding method 277

X, T-bolt bonding method 278

Section V, the top-tightening sealing technology with pressure 280

One, tightening method 280

Second, the plug and wedge method 282

Third, the air-cushion stopping the leakage of the method 282

Section VI Welding sealing technology with pressure 283

I. Reverse welding method 283

II. Welding sealing technology with pressure diversion 283

Section VII Chemical Accident Leakage Site Survey 284

I. Hazardous factors of leakage site and protection of surveyors 284

II. Leakage site environmental survey 285

Three, the leakage medium survey 285

Four, the leakage site survey 286

Five, the precautions 287

Section VIII of the pressure sealing technology safety protection research 289

One, the chemical leakage accident scene hazardous factors 289

Two, chemical leakage accidents can lead to disastrous consequences 289

Three, pressure sealing operator safety protection291

Section IX chemical accident pressure sealing method selection293

Section X pressure sealing technology safety precautions 294

Section XI hazardous chemical leakage pressure sealing technology application examples295

One, a chemical plant ethylbenzene leakage 295

Second, propylene tanker large leakage accident rescue pressure sealing296

Chapter VII Emergency Disposal of Common Hazardous Chemicals303

Section 1: Principles of Disposal of Hazardous Chemical Fire Accidents303

Section 2: Typical Accidental Emergency Disposal of Hazardous Chemicals304

One: Emergency Disposal of Explosive Substances304

II. Emergency Disposal of Compressed or Liquefied Gases304

III. Emergency Disposal of Flammable Liquids305

IV. Emergency Disposal of Flammable Solids and Spontaneously Combustible Articles306

V. Emergency Disposal of Flammable Articles in Contact with Moisture307

VI. Emergency Disposal of Oxidizers and Organic Peroxides308

VII. Emergency Disposal308

VIII, radioactive substances emergency disposal309

IX, combustible toxic solid? Moisture / desensitized explosives emergency disposal 309

ten, stable performance of the emergency disposal of combustible gases 311

eleven, oxidizing substances emergency disposal 312

twelve, low / medium-hazardous substances emergency disposal 314

thirteen, poisonous, corrosive substances, non-combustible and water-sensitive substances emergency disposal 315

fourteen Emergency Disposal of Substances that are Irritating to the Human Body318

XV. Emergency Disposal of Toxic Non-combustible Substances319

XVI. Emergency Disposal of Mixed Hazardous Chemicals321

Section III. Emergency Disposal of Liquid Ammonia Accidents325

I. Physicochemical Properties of Ammonia325

II. Poisoning Disposal326

III, Leakage disposal327

Four, combustion and explosion disposal328

Section IV Emergency Disposal of Chlorine Gas Accidents328

I. Physical and Chemical Properties329

II. Poisoning First Aid329

III. Leakage Disposal331

Section V Emergency Disposal of Hydrogen Sulfide Accidents331

I. Physical and chemical properties 331

Second, first aid for poisoning332

Third, leakage disposal333

Fourth, combustion and explosion disposal333

Section VI Emergency Response to Liquefied Petroleum Gas Accidents334

One, physical and chemical properties334

Second, hazardous properties335

Third, public safety335

< p>Four, individual protection335

V, isolation335

Six, emergency response335

Section VII Emergency Response to Oil Spills337

One, Basic Characteristics337

One, Hazardous Characteristics338

Three, Tactical Points338

Four, Procedures and Methods339

V. Water Disposal342

VI. Special Warning342

Section VIII Emergency Disposal of Cyanide Accidents342

I. Cyanide Poisoning343

II. Emergency Disposal of Water Spills344

Section IX Emergency Disposal of Nitric Acid Accidents345

I. Physical and Chemical Characteristics345

II. Poisoning345

III. Leakage Disposal346

IV. Fire348

Section X. Emergency Response to Accidents Involving the Transportation of Hazardous Chemicals on Roads348

I. Explosives348

II. Compressed Gases and Liquefied Gases348

III. Flammable Liquids349

IV, Flammable solids, spontaneous combustion items and moisture flammable items349

V. Oxidizers and organic peroxides349

VI. Poisonous and infectious items350

VII. Corrosive items350

Section XI Emergency Disposal Plan of Liquid Ammonia Accident in a Workshop350

I. Overview350

II. Purpose 350

Three, scope 350

Four, responsibility and authority 351

V. Disposal of NH3 (gas, liquid) chemical accidents 352

Chapter VIII Typical Chemical Accident Cases 353

Section I. Overview of the Accident 353

I. Definition of the Accident 353

The second, the classification of accidents 353

Third, the characteristics of accidents354

Section II: Major Accidents in the Production of Dangerous Chemicals354

I. 2004 Chongqing Tianyuan Chemical Plant "4-16" chlorine leakage explosion of a very large accident354

II. 2005 CNOOC Jilin Petrochemical double benzene plant "11-13" explosion 358

Section III of the major accidents in the storage of hazardous chemicals 363

One, in 1989, Shandong Hua Huangdao oil depot "8-12" large fire accident 363

Section III of the major accidents in the storage of hazardous chemicals 363

Section III of the major accidents in the storage of hazardous chemicals 363

I. 363

The "6-27" fire accident in the tank area of Beijing Oriental Chemical Factory in 1997368

Section IV: Accidents in the transportation of hazardous chemicals370

The "3-29" accident in the Huai'an section of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway in 2005 was a major accident. -29" large liquid chlorine tanker leakage accident370

II. 2008 Guangxi Baise Bai Luo Expressway "7-31" yellow phosphorus leakage accident374

Section V. Overseas cases of major chemical accidents376

1984 Indian Bhopal Pesticide Factory (UCIL) Methyl Isocyanate Gas Leakage Accident376

Appendix 1 Table of Combustion and Explosion Parameters of Common Substances380

Appendix 2 Hazardous Chemicals Emergency Rescue Training Outline (Trial) 383

Appendix 3 Initial Isolation Distance and Protective Distance for Hazardous Chemicals Leakage395


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