Mary is a doctor. She lives in apartment 6C in the tenth block of Luxembourg.
What Mary means is:
Noun: Mary (female name).
It means:
Verb: Yes (three simple forms of be).
Noun: existence.
The meaning of a:
Indefinite article: 1 (1); ? Each (1); ? Any one (a)
What the doctor means is:
Nouns: doctor, doctor,? Doctor? Theologian? Medical equipment.
Verb: medical treatment, practicing medicine.
Verbs: repair, assemble,? Adulteration, modification, embellishment and falsification.
She means: pronoun, she.
On-site means:
Adjectives: lively, vivid, live and energetic.
Intransitive verbs: live, live, exist.
Transitive verbs: experience, expense.
Noun: (living) name; Liv (France)
At means:
Preposition: in (indicating place, place, position, space, etc. Existence or appearance. ); Be busy (at a certain price, speed, etc). ).
Noun: att (basic unit of currency in Laos), [in chemistry, astatine (extremely unstable radioactive element).
Abbreviation: airtight; The temperature.
Flat means:
Nouns: flat land, apartment, plane.
Adjectives: insipid, monotonous, depressed, insipid, insipid and shallow.
Intransitive verbs: gradually flatten out; [Music] To sing (or play) in a monotonous tone.
Transitive verb: flattening; To bring (a sound) down, especially by a semitone.
Adverb: refers to sticking to another surface, straight, flat, horizontal, direct and complete.
Noun: (French) Ping (name); (UK) Apartment (Name)
Block representation:
Nouns: block, block, stone, building, group, obstruction (thing), obstacle (thing).
Verb: block.
Lu means:
Venue: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
So: Mary is a doctor. She? Living in Room 6C, Block 10, Lu's translation is: Mary is a doctor. She lives in apartment 6C in the tenth block of Luxembourg.