What does EO sterilization mean?

Ethylene oxide sterilization.

Ethylene oxide sterilization device is the key equipment of single-use sterile medical device manufacturers, installation, operation, use and management of its special requirements, the use of ethylene oxide as a sterilizing agent, ethylene oxide is a broad-spectrum sterilizing agent, which can kill a variety of microorganisms, including bacillus, tuberculosis, bacteria, viruses, fungi and so on, at room temperature.

Currently, ethylene oxide is widely used to sterilize medical devices. Ethylene oxide is flammable and explosive toxic gases, molecular formula for C2H4O, with aromatic ether flavor, in 4 ° C when the relative density of 0.884, boiling point of 10.8 ° C, its density of 1.52 g/cm3, at room temperature, it is easy to volatile gas, when the concentration is too high can cause an explosion.

Advantages are: l can kill all microorganisms, including bacterial spores. 2 Sterilized items can be wrapped, the whole package, can be maintained in a sterile state before use. 3 relatively speaking, EO does not corrode plastics, metals and rubber, will not make the items yellow and brittle. 4 It can penetrate the irregular shape and sterilize the articles.5 It can be used for those articles which can not be sterilized by disinfectant immersion, dry heat, pressure, steam and other chemical gases.