Bladder irrigation is not a surgery, it is just an operation performed with instruments. The therapeutic effect of bladder irrigation is relatively good, but there are certain contraindications and indications for bladder irrigation, which must be It is better to have a clear understanding of bladder irrigation to avoid any accidents during the process. So what are the indications and contraindications for bladder irrigation? Indications and contraindications for bladder irrigation
The indications for bladder irrigation are Urinary retention caused by various lower urinary tract obstructions. There is also clinical work, emergency and critical patient care. Indications for bladder irrigation include diagnosis and treatment of bladder diseases, urethrography or cystography, taking uncontaminated urine samples for bacterial culture, intravesical drug instillation or bladder irrigation. Contraindications to bladder irrigation include acute urethritis, acute prostatitis, complete rupture of urethra due to injury, and urethral stricture.
There is an open irrigation method for bladder irrigation: use a bladder irrigator or a large syringe, and separate the joint of the indwelling urinary catheter or cystostomy tube before each flush, and wrap the distal drainage tube joint with sterile gauze. It is best to put it aside, disinfect the end of the urinary catheter or cystostomy catheter and hold it with sterile gauze. Connect an irrigator that absorbs irrigation fluid to the end of the catheter, slowly inject the irrigation fluid, and then drain it out naturally or slowly suck it out. Repeat this until the effluent becomes clear. After the flushing is completed, flush the distal drainage tube once, and then connect the urinary catheter or cystostomy to continue drainage.
The effect of bladder irrigation is directly affected by the speed of bladder irrigation. Rapid rinsing can improve the rinsing effect and make the rinsing relatively thorough. However, flushing too fast can stimulate the excitement of the bladder sympathetic nerves, increase the release of catecholamines, and cause increased heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. In addition, it can also stimulate the bladder detrusor, cause bladder spasm, and even aggravate bladder bleeding. In addition, the bladder flushing speed is too fast, and the flushing fluid continues to impact fixed areas of the bladder mucosa, which can damage the bladder mucosa, cause epithelial cells to fall off, and increase the chance of infection. How should you take good care of your bladder?
Don’t go to the toilet when you don’t feel like peeing. Some people, especially those with bladder problems, go to pee "just in case." But if you often go to the toilet when you don't have the urge to urinate, it will destroy the urinary reflex. However, patients can restore the urinary reflex to normal by lengthening the interval between urination. Also pay attention to urine characteristics from time to time. The color and smell of urine can reveal health information. Light yellow urine indicates good metabolism in the body. Darker color and pungent smell are signs of dehydration. If it is as clear as water, you may have drank too much water too quickly.
If constipation occurs, it should be treated promptly. Experts believe that severe constipation can weaken bladder function. If you suffer from chronic constipation, it may lead to residual urine and worsen allergic cystitis. If constipation is treated promptly, the bladder will also tend to become healthier. To take good care of your bladder, you must urinate after intercourse. Young women are prone to cystitis after intercourse. This is because during intercourse, bacteria around the urethra or vagina may enter the bladder. And like other organs of the human body, the bladder cannot withstand overwork. If your body feels tired, drink enough water and get some sleep.