Does the Xuanhan Commission for Discipline Inspection clearly stipulate that village cadres cannot participate in bidding?
The Xuanhan Commission for Discipline Inspection did not explicitly stipulate that village cadres could not participate in bidding. Whether a bidder can bid depends on whether the relevant bidding is carried out in accordance with laws and regulations. According to the Bidding Law of People's Republic of China (PRC), bidders should have the ability to undertake bidding projects. If the relevant provisions of the state stipulate the qualifications of bidders or the bidding documents stipulate the qualifications of bidders, the bidders shall meet the prescribed qualifications. The bidder shall prepare the bidding documents in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents. The bidding documents shall respond to the substantive requirements and conditions put forward in the bidding documents. If the project subject to tender belongs to construction, the contents of the tender documents shall include resumes, achievements and mechanical equipment to be used to complete the project subject to tender. The bidder shall deliver the bid documents to the bidding place before the deadline for submission of bid documents. After receiving the tender documents, the tenderee shall sign and keep them, and shall not open them. If there are less than three bidders, the tenderer shall re-invite tenders in accordance with this Law. Tender documents delivered after the deadline for submission of tender documents required by the tender documents shall be rejected by the tenderer.