The cat vomits undigested cat food how to do?

Cats vomit undigested cat food for the following reasons:

1, physiological vomiting, may be too much to eat, eat the cat, which led to vomiting, is a normal phenomenon;

2, gastroenteritis caused by gastroenteritis, may be the cat's dietary problems, which led to gastrointestinal problems;

3, caused by the disease, may be the cat has the disease such as distemper. It is caused by the cat suffering from feline distemper and other such diseases.

When the cat vomits, the owner should first observe the cat's mental state and appetite, if the cat vomits other than normal, it may be physiological vomiting, but if the cat has other abnormal symptoms, the owner is best to send the cat to the veterinary hospital in time for examination and treatment.

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