The steps of health technology assessment are described as follows:
1. Safety assessment
Safety assessment is the primary content of health technology assessment of medical equipment. Safety assessment refers to the probability and severity of adverse reactions or accidental injuries occurring after the use of the medical device in a specific environment, a specific group of patients suffering from a certain disease, for example, postoperative complications, blood loss, etc..
2. Effectiveness Assessment
Effectiveness assessment is an assessment based on the safety assessment of the medical device. It generally refers to the benefit or effect that the use of the medical device brings to patients with a particular disease. For example, the success of enema reset after the application of ultrasound-guided pediatric intussusception water enema reset kit.
3. Economic evaluation
Economic evaluation is based on the evaluation of safety and effectiveness, after the use of a medical device, the acquisition cost of medical equipment, the use of the cost, the cost and medical equipment on the disease produced by the effect of the comparison with the benefits. Generally there are three types of evaluation: cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, and cost-utility.
4. Social appropriateness assessment
Social appropriateness assessment refers to the changes in the social environment that may be caused by the use of the medical device, including social, ethical and legal changes. It generally includes the evaluation of the legality of the medical device, the evaluation of the medical device on patients, families and society, and the evaluation of the medical device on bioethics.